Leaving The Country After Divorce chapter 373

Chapter 373 Think Of Another Way Upstairs, Alfred let out a sigh. "Keep an eye on Frieda. She's reckless,so I’m afraid shell do something foolish," he told Jonathan. Jonathan agreed to his request hastily.

"Don't worry."

"Also, don't take Frieda's words to heart.

We shall supply Dr.

Jarvis with the medicinal herbs she needs.

I shall bear the responsibility if Farwell Group causes trouble for US." Alfred reminded, "Queen Group honors its promise, so we can't break our principle." Jonathannodded in response.

"Ill call Dr.

Jarvis now to explain the situation to her," he said. Alfred shot him a curt nod.

"You can leave now.

I'm tired." After learning what Frieda did, Alfred had gone cold with fury.

Exhaustion only caught up to him after he dealt with the matter.

After helping Alfred to get into bed,Jonathan left the bedroom.

Roxanne a call. Meanwhile, Roxanne was feeling heavy-hearted in her

reverted to her. She started suspecting that Colby was

to investigate the matter, but it was just an excuse to brush her

out a way to contact the medicinal herb suppliers in the neighboring

the medicinal herbs, but


thought in mind, Roxanne pulledher phone out to call the senior she met at a previous academic conference. She had just gotten her phone when it started vibrating and ringing. Stunned, Roxanne furrowed her brows

lit up when she spotted the


Queen," she greeted.


I've investigated the matter, and it was just a

shall deliver the medicinal herbs you need to the


finally relax at the

Jonathan fell silent

it's an internal problem within Queen Group, so I can't tell

won't happen

he assured. Roxanne didn't ask any more

"Thank you."

Jonathan chuckled.

"You're welcome.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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