Chapter 392 

Ignoring their responses, Roxanne proceeded to sit down in front of Jonathan. 

When Jonathan saw that Lucian was still standing there, he stated quickly, “Lucian, since Dr. Jarvis doesn‘t mind, join us. Recently, Dr. Jarvis‘ research institute has encountered some problems. You may be able to help her!” 

Lucian merely frowned before sitting down. 

Since Roxanne did not run away upon seeing him, he decided to stay on as well. 

However, Roxanne acted as if Lucian was not there after inviting him to join them. When the dishes were served, she raised her glass and remarked, “Thank you for helping me out with the herb suppliers, Mr. Queen.” 

e most 

Jonathan did not make a big deal out of it. Clinking glasses with her, he re welcome, Dr. Jarvis. I‘m not the only one who has helped you with regard to this issue.” 

Upon hearing that, Roxanne frowned, as she did not understand what he meant. 

say more when someone glared at

Jonathan acted as if nothing happened and changed to another topic. “If your research institute isn‘t that great, those

“Have the herb suppliers come to a decision yet? If necessary, I can speak with them

they would be working with her research institute even

to explain the

of them have already agreed to cooperate with your research institute. However, you will still need to discuss the business proposal with them

to do now

a sigh of relief. The issue with the herb suppliers had been bothering her for a long iime. She could finally relax.

resolved the issue for the research institute, she could relocate overseas with Archie and Benny

ever give

Roxanne subconsciously turned to look at

met his unfathomable gaze, and it

he had been listening to their

business, he wanted

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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