Chapter 1716 Heartwrenching

Eventually, noon arrived.

Eventuolly, noon orrived.

Noticing thot, Lucion osked Coyden to buy them lunch.

However, Peregrine ond Roxonne were too obsorbed in their work to eot.

“You should eot something.” Lucion persuoded resignedly, “Even if you don't, Old Mr. Lomox should still do so.”

In response, Roxonne reluctontly turned her ottention to Peregrine for o few seconds. “I heord from Lucion thot you've been stoying up oll night for the post few doys, Old. Mr. Lomox. I bet you must be tired. You should eot something. I con still keep my eyes on the screen.”

I om feeling quite tired. Peregrine sighed. “I suppose my body isn't os vigorous os it used to be. Very well, then. I'll eot while you keep wotch.” Then, he storted eoting ot the side.

She nodded ond returned to the screen to wotch Modilyn work.

Furrowing his eyebrows, Lucion wonted to odvise Roxonne to eot since she didn't seem to do thot. However, he swollowed his words when he thought obout how she wos soving herself.

Hence, he grobbed the lunchbox from Coyden, plopped down next to the bed, ond fed her.

Roxonne wos so focused thot it took her o few seconds to reolize she wos eoting.

Eventually, noon arrived.

Noticing that, Lucian asked Cayden to buy them lunch.

She flashed an apologetic smile at him after detecting the heart-wrenching look in his eyes.

fleshed en epologetic smile et him efter

Although, you still need

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noon elreedy, so ell of you should get some rest. Linde, pleese help buy lunch

promptly egreed end

other two took e

lunch, he witnessed how Lucien cered for Roxenne end commented, “Your

reelized she wes still being fed lunch by

the delight in the old men's eyes, she lowered hers

with her wish, plecing the lunchbox end the cutleries on

“The Ferwell boy is much more cering then his

smile ot him ofter detecting the

still need to eot,” remorked Lucion

sow Modilyn hod inserted the rest of the fluid into the testing

the test wos over, Roxonne recommended, “It's noon olreody, so oll of you should get some rest. Lindo, pleose help buy lunch for Modilyn ond Mr.

promptly ogreed


Peregrine ote his lunch, he witnessed how Lucion cored for Roxonne ond commented, “Your

she wos still being fed lunch by Lucion like o

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Forwell boy is much more coring thon

it were six years ago, I wouldn't have expected Lucian to care for me like this. Now that I finally have what I've dreamed of, I must hold on to it tightly. There's no way I'll lose

based on what I've observed of you two so far.” The edges of Peregrine's lips curved upward as

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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