Chapter 1788 Baby Dolphins

The children were filled with enthusiasm as the dolphin show began, even though they had seen it before.

The keeper and the dolphins had a wonderful relationship, a bond that was evident in their interactions and performances. When they performed, the audience whooped and cheered.

The dolphins were captivatingly adorable as they kept making gentle splashes with their fins, drenching the first row of the audience. The children in the audience couldn't help but wave to the dolphins, and the dolphins seemed to respond to the kids' interest in them, swimming closer to the audience obediently.

Estella giggled in delight when she finally got to touch a dolphin. “Daddy, Mommy, its head is really soft!”

The little dolphin made a joyful, high-pitched sound that seemed to be a greeting of sorts for Estella.

Estella immediately began to communicate with the little dolphin. “Little dolphin, come here. They are my brothers. You should get to know them, too!”

Archie and Benny rose to their feet and made their way toward Estella. As they approached, they hesitantly reached out their hands to make contact with the small creature. Its parents were floating some distance away and seemed unconcerned with the presence of the two boys.

“It's wonderful to see how much the dolphin loves the children,” the keeper said encouragingly. “It's so wonderful to see the connection between humans and animals. Let us remember that sea animals, too, are part of our world, and we must do our best to protect and care for them as members of our family.”

triplets inched nearer eagerly. “Daddy,

manner. “Can you ask

an icy

in the front row as you're afraid of getting splashed by the dolphins, right? However, now

man froze awkwardly. Nevertheless, he refused to back down and shot Roxanne a

If he continues being unreasonable, I'll

baby dolphin obviously seemed reluctant to part with the children, the keeper had an idea and asked, “The baby dolphin is going to perform next. Would you be

I'll do it!” Estella

and Benny turned over their shoulders to receive their parents'

Let us welcome the three children onstage to perform together with our baby dolphin. Please give them

once, thunderous applause reverberated

as the triplets were so incredibly cute that

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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