Chapter 1791 Likes Your Daughter

The obese man was humiliated in public but dared not unleash his wrath on Lucian, so he ended up chiding the keeper.

“How did you train the dolphins? My son was nearly hit by them! You need to take responsibility for this!”

The keeper's eyes flashed with fury as the urge to slap the man just like how Lucian did earlier rose in his heart.

However, he managed to keep his cool as the dolphins' safety was more important. There were many visitors, and he would sometimes run into one or two unreasonable ones.

“Sir, I had already made it clear to your son that he was to abide by my instructions,” the keeper declared sternly. “Unfortunately, he disregarded my warnings and made a reckless move that nearly caused harm to a baby dolphin. Remember, these are wild animals - they will not hesitate to take revenge on those who mistreat them.”

The two adult dolphins behind him came on shore and inched nearer to the plump guy as though they could understand his words.

The overweight man might be overweight, but he was less than two hundred pounds, so two adult dolphins were strong enough to send him flying.

Both father and son blanched in horror.

The audience were pleased to see their reaction.

coming! What do they want to

the adult dolphins

was pale with fright, too. That was the first time

an order. The adult dolphins finally turned around and returned to their

the triplets shared a look and

baby!” Estella gazed at her parents, her eyes questioning if she had made the correct

Roxanne both nodded in agreement, their faces lighting up with

I'd like to take a look at it.” With that, Estella

go. The baby dolphin's parents

instantly went after

quick to caution the little girl as soon as he noticed her approaching the dolphins. “Little girl, don't come over now. The adult dolphins are very protective of their baby now. They will be hostile to anyone

stopped Estella and nodded in agreement. “Essie, listen to the

“Baby dolphin, are you okay? Don't be scared. I'll visit you next time, and we

were charmed

dolphin left its parents and came to Estella happily as though it had understood

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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