Chapter 42, do you like him?

“Alva, tell me the truth, do you like this man?”

Frank couldn’t help it, and finally asked this sentence.

Alva was not a casual person. He was very clear about it, but what else could she be so relieved to have a man by her side?

Alva put down the spoon and looked at him seriously, “I like it.”

Frank’s face changed instantly.

But soon, his face was full of joy.

Because Celestia went on to say, “Like family.””

Jackson’s hand tightened as he held the door handle.

Like family…

Frank burst out laughing.

Just don’t be too happy.

What hurts more than family love?


“You too.”


“Alva, you can’t do this to me?”

Alva raised her hand and gestured to stop, “Let me have breakfast and don’t forget what we’re going to do today.”

Frank’s face was suddenly sunny and rainy.

He wanted to cry.

“Alva, you are too cruel to me.”

Alva stopped talking to him and buried herself in the porridge.

Frank sighed.

Why can’t he ever get into Alva’s heart.


at him and doesn’t speak.

though Alva says she considers him family,

much, maybe

I’m going back. Call me if you need anything,” Jackson said to Alva.

his tone, did

do your


at Frank, nodded at him, and

out, his hands clenched.


about family? He had a place in her heart. That

asks Frank to go to breakfast

wasting his time on

and went to breakfast.

knows the

finished breakfast, packed

to find Jason.

to Kyoto this time to be invited to be a judge for

place early, so the two

show after breakfast.

show group arrived, the show had already started.

in an hour, and then Jason will come backstage

an OK gesture,

at Alva and said with a smile, “Thank me, treat me to dinner tonight.”

“No problem!”

The men leave.

and the camera in the

29 52M


the clothes, fashion, elements, ideas, and design inspiration

and looked carefully.

Frank is too.

there was a panic

god! How could

frowned and looked over.

a large dressing

not only a place for makeup, but also a lot of clothes, all

makeup and

“What happened?”

that will be on stage later is broken.”

designer’s dress is it?”


and call

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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