Chapter 65, Sleeping Together

Flora and the maid prepared dinner and asked the two to eat. After the two ate, Flora asked them to rest quickly.

It’s getting late.

Indeed, it’s eleven o’clock.

When the two of them returned to the bedroom, Jackson was a little nervous.

This was his first time sharing a bed with a woman, and this woman was his favorite.

It was impossible for him not to be nervous.

“You wash first.”

Jackson said to Alva, his eyes a little afraid to look at her.


Alva was also a little nervous, took her pajamas and went in.

She knew what might happen tonight.

Although she was mentally prepared in advance, she was still uncontrollably nervous at this time.

Jackson watched Alva go into the bathroom, and his eyes grew deep.

But soon, he forced himself to look away, took his pajamas and went to the side bed next door.

As soon as he came out, he saw Flora sitting on his side.

“Mom, why are you here?”

I want to ask

does it mean to not go to your own

to pretend

said helplessly, “I’m taking a shower


there’s nothing here, how do you want me

looked at the empty bed and

That’s true.

“Mom, it’s getting late, you

the tightly closed bedroom door. Then she approached him and said politely, “Jackson, you’re not young anymore. It’s time to have a


back to the bedroom, and Alva


her back to him, he couldn’t see if she



this made the thoughts in his heart

stepped softly, walked over, lifted a corner of the quilt, and lay down inside.

but she was still

control, pressed it, and the bedroom

opened her eyes.

asleep, but her body tensed as the light

still afraid.

has never had

She was scared.

I will

long time, there was no movement next to it, and

Jackson wasn’t

reacted at all since he went to

and with the silence, Alva’s emotions gradually

turned around,

to bed, and he

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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