Chapter 105, I will go to get the certificate on the ninth day of next month

Jackson didn’t want to stay here anymore, and he didn’t want to see Esme’s face. He got up and said coldly, “We will inform you when the date is set. When the two of you have a meal together, it will be considered married.”

After saying that, he pulled Alva up and strode away.

Flora also got up and left.

Esme’s face stiffened.

But she quickly reacted and hurried to catch up, “In-laws, son-in- law, stay at home for dinner!”

“Eat before leaving!”

No one paid attention to her.

Soon, several people entered the elevator and blocked Esme out.

Esme looked at the closed elevator door, anxious and angry, and walked back and forth in the elevator door.

She never thought it would be the one Alva owed.

Why didn’t she tell her?

If she wanted to tell her, she wouldn’t have said those words. It was really infuriating!

Jackson and Alva Flora walked out of the neighborhood, stopped a taxi and got in the car and left.

Chapter 105, I will go to get the certificate on the ninth day of next

298 Mouchers

No one spoke, and all the way to the hotel was quiet.

Flora goes to her room, Jackson and Alva go to theirs.

As soon as the door closed, Jackson hugged Alva and held her tightly in his arms.

hasn’t spoken since she left that house, and until

was in

He was distressed.


for him to imagine what kind of life she had lived for

hugging herself and

was in pain

didn’t feel bad.


just feel a little embarrassed.

she treated you like one of those animals

excitement and anger in his eyes and whispered, “Jackson, I’m not

will go to get the certificate on the

eyes widening

Not biological?

you mean?

788 Vouchers

window and narrowed her eyes. “Two years ago, when I came home from a miscarriage, I

expression was calm, as if she was talking about someone

tightened, and then it

that she was not born to her

and dared not think about



wanted to say something to comfort her, but he found himself

arms, hold her

knew what he was thinking. She raised her lips and patted his back. “It’s okay.

“I’m very satisfied.”

gave her

It’s really okay.

I will go to get the

day of next

29K Vouchers

let go of her and looked into her eyes, smiling, as

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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