Chapter 108, Everyone is Selfish

She heard that Bella had returned, but she did not call her or come

back with Uriah.

And Uriah didn’t come back with Bella.

She had to ask.

It’s just that no one seems to be answering the phone, and it keeps beeping.

Candice frowned, at this point, Bella should not be busy.

Just as he thought about it, the phone connected, and Bella’s voice came from the phone.


Candice immediately asked, “Bella, are you back?”

“He’s back.”

“I’m back, that’s good. We are at home these two days. When do you have time to come back?”

“Auntie, I’m sorry, I have a commercial to shoot these two days, and I don’t have time.”

Candice’s face changed.

No time.

She was afraid that she didn’t have time, but that she didn’t want to come back.

Chapter 108, Everyone is Selfish

281 Vouchers

She said patiently, “Bella, We came back this time to discuss your marriage. You and Uriah should come back sometime.”

The voice in the phone was quiet, and Candice clenched the phone to suppress the displeasure that was gradually rising in her heart.

Fortunately, not long after, the voice came over, “Auntie, I’m not in a hurry about the marriage.”

Candice’s face darkened.

hurry, does she want to marry Uriah or

are not young this year, and Uriah is not young either. Are you going

marriage should be natural, and Uriah and I are still

her face was extremely cold, “That’s it, then it’s

up the

come naturally, then you Bella will be consumed, I

pissed her off!

to the busy tone on her phone, and the faint smile on the

once, the attitude changed 180 degrees. Why, did you dislike

I, Bella, will also let you know that you dislike me, and you are still asking


myone is Seflich

scenery is outside the gate.

the sun shone on his straight suit, dyed with a layer of

a car parked at

and opened

in, the door closed, and his

eyes moved slightly, took out her phone, looked at the screen, and answered,

do you have time


in Qingquan. I want you to

with me.”

a second and said,

location to shoot later, and



phone, Bella put the phone aside and curled the corner of her mouth with a confident

not in a hurry to marry me, but I will make

schedule moved to the

“Okay, Uriah.”

108. Everyone is

281 (Wouthern

arrived in Kyoto at ten o’clock, and soon after she


how is Jackson?”

met with Alva’s parents and set the time for the ninth

month at the beginning of


the wedding? Big or

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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