Chapter 113, Actually Understand His Mind

Ambrose glanced at the faces of the people in the conference room, paused for a second on Alva’s face, turned his eyes, and looked at Jason, “Let’s start.”

Jason nodded, looked at the people in the conference room, and said, “Everyone knows about the development of this new brand. The reason why AK has been able to stand for so many years is to keep up with the times and trends.”

“Now we have decided to develop a new brand. What Ambrose and I mean is, within a month, a plan will be made, and the implementation will start in a month, and the new brand must be launched within six months.”

Alva frowned slightly.

Half a year, I’m afraid it’s short.

The clothing industry is not a new industry, it has been there since ancient times, want to innovate, difficult, but no matter how difficult it is, it just takes time.

And half a year, it is difficult to create a good brand.

Otherwise, it’s smashing your own sign.

Ambrose looked at Alva and said, “Everyone can say what they think.”

He likes to hear the truest thoughts of his employees.

Designer, you look at me, I look at you, no one speaks.

And Alva looked down and thought, and a minute later, looked at Ambrose.

“Ambrose, I have a question.”

Ambrose looked into her clear eyes and reached out, “Ask.”

“Why is it half a year?”

the length of time and the pros

thought about it, but he still decided to

to know why.

eyes flashed

half a year was too short, but asked why half a year, and she thought

think the problem is not generally


to launch the new product within

He asked rhetorically.


would he want half a

through Alva’s mind and she clenched her pen, “Because I want to take advantage of

are business opportunities. It is difficult to identify business.

now, the momentum of the ancient style is just right. If you don’t take advantage of this momentum to develop new brands, it


was a flash of light in Ambrose’s eyes, sitting up straight, looking at Alva, looking at

the designers of the design department. What to do and how to do

these two meetings, it was noon.

sense of

it comes an eagerness to

be content with the status quo, to challenge, always challenge themselves, in order to create an impossible.

loves this

short, she believes that as long as she works hard and

department, everyone went to

time to

and got

he walked out of

on the screen. With a gentle

go downstairs?”

you downstairs?”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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