Chapter 118: The Heart is Hot

Alva looked up, surprised.

But soon, surprise turned to vigilance.

Because the person sitting across from her was none other than Ambrose.

And she remembers well that Ambrose was the president of AK and a partner of Uriah.

She did not forget the relationship between the two.

Ambrose looked at her and curled his lips. “Do you mind if I sit here?”

Alva, “I don’t mind.”

Head down to eat.

For Ambrose, if it was business, she would treat him like a boss like an ordinary employee.

But if it was about something else, like Uriah, she wouldn’t see him as

her boss.

Just like now, she didn’t think he was talking business to her by sitting across from her.

Ambrose smiled at the man whose face had obviously changed.

Because of Uriah, it is now difficult for him to have a good exchange of ideas with his employees.

“Don’t worry, you are the designer of my company when you come to

have always upheld business. If you do well, I will give you a raise. If you do not do well, I will deduct your

It’s that simple.

free to

“What is

into her eyes, the vigilance in her eyes disappeared, her eyes

“I like it.”

said, “Make

long as this industry does well, it has a

after losing her child, she clearly

yourself is more

“You are honest.”

looked at him, “That’s

you ever thought about

something, but Alva


“For example?”


thought about it.”

“Any thoughts?”

chopsticks and organized her words in her mind. She held hands and said, “People now have good living conditions, and they can easily meet their needs in food,

qualified designer should not only be able to design

appreciate beauty, pursue beauty, and achieve

be done without

is material, they

goal is

beauty, she receives


Alva, his

talked about money so bluntly in front of him.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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