Chapter 142, Guilty

Lafayette Restaurant, 36th floor.

Bella and Uriah sat by the window.

In front of them was an exquisite sirloin steak with a glass of red wine next to it.

The two of them held knives and forks and dined gracefully, just like before.

Surprised, curious, or puzzled gazes were passed around.

Bella didn’t seem to see it, with an elegant smile on her lips, and her eyebrows were full of happiness.

It seems that the report on Toutiao’s front page is purely gossip and has no impact on her.


“Uriah, I didn’t expect you to have a scandal one day.”

She picked up her glass, wagging her fingers, looking at Uriah with a smile on the corner of her mouth.

Uriah picked up the napkin and wiped the corners of his mouth, and there was a sense of extravagance from the inside out.

He looked up at her. “If there are reporters, there will be rumors.”

The smile on the corner of Bella’s mouth was wide, but the coldness in her eyes

was even greater.

Who does not know that anyone in this world can have a scandal, that is, a person can not have.

This person is Uriah.

Now, he told her that if there were reporters, there would be an affair.

How dare all the reporters die after so many years?

“Do you think I will believe this reason?”

“You can choose not to believe it.”

Bella’s smile fell a little bit.

Uriah took the glass and shook it.

Bella’s fingers that fell on the table curled up, then clenched.

“Uriah, I realized that I’ve never seen through you.”

then his eyes fell on her face, “Uriah, how can I see through you?”

pierced her heart like a sharp

and her eyes dodged

seen through her heart, reminding her of the scene on the road

Verne kissed her.

knew he couldn’t possibly

he looked at it as if he knew.

mouth slightly, and curved her confident and elegant smile, “You will

her eyes, dark eyes deep, “Is that

“Of course.”

took Bella to the hotel

car and opened


Uriah was as difficult as ascending


what happened that day, and even if

doesn’t have to feel

and his Uriah’s heart is now on his



the door was opened and Ronan walked in.

saw him, his face

Ronan as before, hating that iron was not

Ronan in

As usual, he swaggered over and said, “Dad, is your baby still

paused for a moment and continued to

and walked

fact, two days ago, he came back home to find

he knew that the old man had put the East XZ up.

man would donate this thing to a


was so angry that he almost killed the old

him even more angry was that the old man sold the land and the house, and all the money was donated to

half a

Embroidery secret at a high price, he wouldn’t have stepped into the house.

went into the study and rummaged

where the old


an enamel porcelain plate, he saw the book, the

that he only thought it was a waste book at the time, how could he think that someone would pay millions

finds this book and gives it to that


Ronan couldn’t help laughing.

his head, and

Ronan ran out, “Where’s

without raising his


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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