Chapter 151, the inspection results are out

Jackson drove quickly to the police station.

And he kept repeating in his mind what Callahan had said to him.

“I gave Alva the secret of Embroidery. I didn’t expect my son to suddenly want. this thing. I told him I burned it, but he still guessed that I gave it to Alva and kidnapped Alva.”

“But don’t worry, Alva is fine, she was saved.”

“Saved by someone? Who?”

“I don’t know, I only know that the opposing lawyer said Uriah.”



He saved Alva.

It turned out that he saved Alva…

Jackson gripped the steering wheel, his veins bulging and his foot on the


the police station, Jackson got out of the car and ran inside


lawyer is also a gold

any surprise, just paused

his face cold, “Where is

won’t tell him, so he comes to the police station and asks.

“Sorry, I

know, how could you not


actually said he didn’t know.

felt the fire inside him

Tyler was very calm about his mood change, “Yes.”

his collar and snapped, “Don’t think that I won’t dare to do anything

question, I think

come over and do his

not within his

Tyler’s eyes and


Alva is, don’t blame

head of the bed. In front of him was a small table with a laptop on it.

are having a

phone next to him

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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