Chapter 161, Feeling No Pain

Bella went out with her phone and closed the ward door.

Uriah looked at the closed ward door, and a few seconds later, took the phone and looked at the screen.

A missed call was displayed on the screen.

It’s Alva’s.

He looked at the missed call and his black eyes deepened.

Bella walked some distance out of the ward before answering the phone.

“Jackson, what’s the matter?”

“Bella, do you know a lawyer?”

Bella frowned slightly, “Lawyer?”

“Well, the case of Alva’s kidnapping was special at the time. It was Uriah who called the police, and Uriah was also handling the matter later, but this matter is my business and should be handled by me, so I need to find another lawyer.”

Jackson was very clear.

Uriah wants to take care of Alva, he doesn’t want Uriah to take care of it.

But he couldn’t stop Uriah, so he had to call her.

her solve

wrong with


Bella was

Very unhappy

– Why not?

now everyone is reminding her, telling her that her fiancé’s heart is on another

as good as a woman whose family background, knowledge and appearance are not

you find a lawyer, but, Jackson, I have to remind you that there are things I can help you with, but there are things

don’t worry, I know what to do ”

good, I hope I can see

will see it soon.”

hung up, and Jackson dialed a

to plan. I’m going to propose

to the

face recovered the moment she

he was still

and asked, “Do you want an apple?”

“No need.”

you say no,

wash it, washed it, sat on a stool, and peeled


in the ward was quiet.

Jackson just called me and asked me to help him find a lawyer to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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