Chapter 185, He Came Personally

Alva’s eyes moved and she said, “Ambrose is joking.”

Ding! the elevator door opened.

Alva said, “Ambrose. I’m going back first.”

Go out and quickly disappear from his sight.

Ambrose put his hand in his pocket and looked at Alva’s back with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

It’s okay to talk to Alva about work, but not about anything else.


The reason is simple.


Ambrose walked out of the company and got in the car.

Suddenly, his phone rang.

He picked up the phone, looked at the screen, and answered, “Hello.”

“Ambrose, the two dresses Uriah asked for have been designed.”

“Well, I’ll call him.”

Ambrose called Uriah.

Originally, he was asked to do it in ten days, but after a few days, he told him that he was not in a hurry, and that he would give it to him

when it was done.

He was shocked by his rare repetition.

was a good thing for

him to make two sets

phone call came, and a familiar cold


“Are you busy?”

started the car and hit the steering wheel.


sets of dresses you want are ready,

the phone paused for two seconds,

his eyebrows, “You came

For two dresses?



came from

said, “You’re busy,


at the night ahead with a hint

feels that Uriah has come to Paris

to the conference room, and York followed, reporting on the working paper he had just

a flight to Paris tomorrow

and said,

is currently no itinerary

Uriah has

three days going through the materials and reorganizing

was full of her notes.

of relief, an idea already in

paper, she began to

the end of

wants to divide the winter clothing into two

and the other is

is thin beauty, fat,

two points to make women


have a look, went back to the president’s office, and informed Jason that there was a meeting.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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