Chapter 188, Forcing Yourself

Ahead, in the AK hall, a figure walked in.

This is Uriah.

But soon, Alva denied it.

Uriah couldn’t be downstairs at this time.

She read it wrong.

It’s just funny that I should think of Uriah at this time.

Alva carried the bulldog into the company lobby and went to the front desk.

She wanted to ask the front desk where there was a pet shop, and she wanted to take the bulldog to have a look.

As soon as I walked in, I saw Ambrose coming out of the elevator.

The two of them met face to face, and it was a meal.

But soon, Alva recovered, called Ambrose and came to the front desk.

“Hello, do you know where there is a pet shop?”

“Pet shop?”

“Yes, the bulldog in my arms is injured, I want to take it to see.”

Looking at the pit bull in her arms, the receptionist looked aggrieved and uncomfortable, and said apologetically, “I’m sorry, I don’t have a pet, I don’t know.”


“It’s okay, I’ll ask someone else.”

Alva smiled and pulled out her phone to call Jason.

She felt that Jason should know, and she also happened to ask him for


Take the bulldog to the pet store and won’t be back for a while.

Just as she was about to call Jason. Ambrose’s voice came over, “I know where there is a pet shop.”

Alva looked at Ambrose.

receptionist called Ambrose.

and looked at

minutes later, Alva got into Ambrose’s car with the bulldog in her


the rearview mirror and said, “I have a husky at home and go to the pet store from time

it, it

him, and he nestled in her arms like a

continued to look at the

good, and she is not familiar

save some unnecessary trouble,

TEK xing Yourself


appearance, Ambrose smiled and

never seen her raise a dog, and she even brought it to the


her style of doing things


his eyebrows.



want to say,

Alva rejected him.

has intensified with the appearance of Uriah today.

the way to the pet store without saying a word.

said, “You tell me the general situation of the dog

injured, and I don’t

front of the

I’ll tell

told the doctor

give him the dog,

doctor’s words to Alva, who nodded and

bulldog is handed over to the doctor, it


understood this sentence, smiled, and said. “Thank

“You’re welcome.”

bulldog to

and if he hadn’t known that the dog wasn’t hers,

saw Ambrose looking at her and said to him,

“The Buddha said that saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda,

him to

in his heart, “Yes.”

is the same, whether animal

the dog was injured in the front foot, and nothing

Very healthy.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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