Chapter 195, the mood is wrong

Alva looked at the phone, and after a while, the phone was muted and placed next to it.

As if sensing that she was in a bad mood, Candy came over, lay down at her feet, and licked the back of her feet.

The back of Alva’s foot itched slightly, and she looked down at it, her eyes becoming gentle, “Candy, I’m fine.”

Candy looked at her, his paws on the back of her feet, lying on the ground, his eyelids opening and closing.

Alva patted its head and began to work.

“No… not me…”

“Don’t come over… don’t…”

“Uriah…… Uriah!

Bella opened her eyes.

The body sits up.

When she saw where she was, she closed her eyes and propped up her forehead.

She actually had a nightmare.

The stewardess came over, “Miss, are you okay?”

Bella opened her eyes, “Please give me a glass of water.”


Soon, the water arrived.

Bella finished drinking and looked out the window.

At this time, the voice of the stewardess sounded in the plane.

“Dear passengers, the plane will land at Kyoto International Airport in ten minutes…”

Almost there…

When she saw the person wearing a

her too, didn’t speak, and walked straight forward.

before leaving the airport, a reporter ran over, “Bella, I heard that your assistant died unexpectedly

little bit of

such a big

this matter has been suppressed, but this reporter doesn’t know where it came from, and

Bella, took a quick look at his work ID, and said, “Are you

a little frightened by her

bee at first glance. If you want to

you to ask your boss who Bella is before asking this question, otherwise you won’t know how you lost your

the car quickly, followed by Calliope, and soon the car disappears at

car that left, called and asked the senior who took him, and soon the camera fell to

he shouldn’t

looked at Bella and said, “It was an accident,

were like a flame igniting a bomb, and Bella looked at her fiercely, “It doesn’t matter? Are you sure it

my assistant! Calliope,

at her and said

that Bella was in a bad state

was stimulated

silence calmed Bella down.

off her cap, pulled her hair back from her forehead,

to give the money to the little girl’s family, did you give

“Not yet.”

at the past

I have to

informed her to give the money to

I will definitely handle this

looked at her still bad face and said, “Take a rest. I’ll call you

answer her. She looked out of the window

didn’t say another word, turned his head, looked forward, and

kind of Bella worries her.

car quickly stopped at the villa. Bella saw this

driver, “Go

at Imperial Regency, and Bella walked in and quickly disappeared from

at her,

phone and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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