Chapter 214 wants to know

Ambrose had a little headache, a little frustration, and a little unspeakable feeling.

For a moment he did not know what to do.

Alva said, “Ambrose, I’ll ask my teacher.”

Call Callahan.

Five minutes later, Alva looked at him. “The teacher told me about a breakfast place with special hot dogs and pasta. Ambrose should try it.”

“All right.”

What else could he say?

They got into the car, Alva said the name of the shop, and the driver quickly dropped them off.

Alva, get out. Look at the name.

It’s delicious.

Well, that’s a very trendy name.

Ambrose frowned.

That’s a good name.

“Ambrose,” Alva said, “this is the store.”

“Go in.”


Two people go in.

Although it was past breakfast time, there were still many guests inside.

the waiter came over. “What can I

your specialty here?”

hot dogs,

of these two,

“All right.”

The waiter leaves.

looked at Alva, “You’re not eating?”

I had bread this

on his face. “I was just wondering what

really,” says Alva.


three times a day will kill your


at noon and in

Ambrose stopped talking.

do not know her, only from the mouth of outsiders to judge a person is very

had been Uriah’s ex–wife in Ambrose’s

more makes

circle in your head with nothing in it, but one day, you’ll want to

Otherwise, it’s uncomfortable.

Ambrose feels

did not notice Ambrose’s gaze.

the soup, which was milky

to get two bowls

Try it.


got up, went to the soup place,

a bowl, smelled it, and said,

“It seems so.”

noodle soup, but it was delicious, with a


“It’s delicious.”

also took a sip and

pasta and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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