Chapter 217: Into His Arms

A few people went in. Ambrose looked around.

Philip said, “I’ve had this shop for years. I think Alva told Ambrose about it.”

Ambrose nodded and looked at Philip. “Yes, but I want Mr. Philip himself to tell me about your side of the story.”

At lunch Alva had told him exactly what she knew. ? But as the boss, he came here, and he had to know these things for himself.


Philip made a few cups of coffee and began to tell Ambrose about his shop and its long history.

Ambrose listened and asked questions from time to time.

Alva sat nearby, listening to the conversation, not interrupting, not moving.

Two hours later, Ambrose said, “It’s four o’clock. I wonder if Mr. Philip’s factory is closed. I want to go and see.”

“No, the normal closing time in our factory is six o’clock. If we work overtime, it is even later.”

will take us

“No trouble, please.”

went to Philip’s factory.

an old factory, an old factory, and the facilities and equipment

what comes out is pretty good.

by the workers and asked

two hours in the factory, several people

time and said, “Ambrose, it’s getting late. I’ll play host and let

also have some questions

a lot of people, but the waiter took them directly to the

like Philip made a decision.

served, and Philip and

present less

were filled with emotion and

Ambrose, “Callahan?”

master of Alva, the

and looked

an apprentice to the legacy of

said, “Yes, my master taught

at Philip. “Don’t worry, Philip, I

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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