Chapter 383: Please Forgive Me

Ambrose left, but Alva still has the plan.

He said she’d give him the plan when she thought about it.

Alva sat down on the sofa and opened the plan again.

AK subsidiary – LZ Project case.

The next morning, GA came to the design studio carly.

Alva hasn’t come yet.

She put the thermos down and looked at the time.

It’s not even business time.

It’s an hour away.

Looks like she came too early.

It doesn’t matter!

An hour is fast. What if Alva gets here half an hour before work?

Alva is always early.

Thinking of this, GA took a living and began to get busy.

Make sure you do what Alva tells you!

Venus arrived soon after.

Twenty minutes later than GA, but carly.

GA hears the noise and immediately looks over to see Venus. She frowns, turns her head and continues to work.

Venus thought she was the first, not GA.

288 Vouchers

Her eyes moved to Alva’s usual spot, the sewing machine.

Alva wasn’t there.

Venus looks away, puts her bag down and looks at GA.

I got a lot of packages yesterday, all from suppliers.

The contents of these packages are the semi-finished products of the garment, which need to be arranged and sewn.

She did the finishing and GA did the sewing.

Obviously, GA’s job is heavier, hers is lighter.

GA is holding a piece of cloth and sewing it with gold thread.

This is not yesterday’s hidden stitch, but the edge stitch.

GA sew seriously, carefully.

treating Venus

skillfully, walks over and

ignored Venus as if

at her and says, “GA,

needle action for a

Obviously not Venus.

Venus, she’s

because Venus never thought of

bear to look at

“GA, I know you are still angry with me, and you are right to be angry. If I had been more careful at that time, I

impossible for you to stay

know I almost couldn’t stay in AK.”

it wasn’t for her brother, she really wouldn’t

her lip,

mocking. “Venus, you don’t have to

this person is a little, not long memory, good relations with others

apologize, and you’re not wrong. It’s

eye, so

just don’t have a heart, let people to

Who’s to blame?


fabric and thread and goes to the other side, far away from Venus.

doesn’t want

looks at the person sitting on the sofa, the estrangement of a lifetime, her

soon settled into

it than she heard a plunk and Venus was kneeling in front

down by Venus, scared needle into her finger, she hiss in

looking at her pricked finger, she looked at

are you doing?”

her knees. Is she

eyes were red and

yes, I have a heart.”

would look


my mother worked hard to raise me by herself, pay for my education, and let me go abroad.”

intern at AK, and I didn’t want to lose this opportunity. I worked hard

of the internship, there were two interns at most, there were five in our group, and one of them had connections, had a background, and needless to say, would go up, and I had nothing, and if I didn’t use some means, I would

want to let my mom down and let all her years of hard work go to waste, so I

her head

loud thud and quickly pulls Venus to her feet. “Get up!”

up. I won’t get

tears all over

looked at GA. “For so long I have been suffering from inner torment, I have been afraid to admit, afraid to say it, now I say it, GA, please

never seen

always quiet.

sadness, the guilt, the apology, she had

hears of her father, only of her mother,

eyebrows and said: “I forgive


knees in my life, and it’s a terrible

“GA, you really… Do you really forgive

you, you quickly get up, by your kneeling,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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