Let me go, Mr. Hill [by Shallow South] Chapter 291
Shaun’s face was cold as he pulled out a key from his pocket and threw it to her. “Take it. You’ll be on call in the future.”

Catherine’s face flashed from white to red. “Aren’t you afraid of Melanie seeing me?”

“It doesn’t matter if she sees you. She’s just a woman. I can easily replace her with a different Mrs. Hill. There’ll always be smart people who want that position.”

Shaun had just finished speaking when the doorbell rang.

He opened the door, and Hadley entered with a bag. “Young Master, here are the clothes you wanted me to buy. Also, you have to attend a company meeting at nine.”

“Mm.” Shaun threw the things into Catherine’s arms and said, “Go upstairs and change.”

Catherine took the items and left to take a shower. By the time she changed her clothes and went downstairs, Shaun had already left. The phone she had left with Rodney yesterday was on the table.

that there were text messages and missed calls

quickly answered. Freya’s confused

Are you okay?”

fine.” Freya rubbed her head and said, “I went to deliver the information last night but ended up falling asleep because I drank too much. Fortunately, the people from the company sent me back. I’ll never do that


understood that last night had completely been Rodney’s

about it, she decided not to

not someone they could afford to offend. In any case, Catherine was in Shaun’s palm now, so Rodney would not lay a hand on

good that you’re fine, but you should pay attention in the future. You’re a girl, so

My alcohol tolerance is usually quite good, but I got drunk after just

smiled wryly. There must have been something added to

leaving Shaun’s residence, she went directly to Hudson’s branch

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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