Chapter 252 Selena Saves The Day

The number of viewers watching the live broadcast had reached several million and was still increasing.

Angry comments flooded the show’s comments section.

A netizen wrote: At first, I thought Christina was not all that great. But now, I have realized those female designers are the disgusting ones.

Someone commented: It’s so cold out there. I’d tear apart anyone who would dare lock me out in that weather.

Another added: Someone, help her! I can’t bear to watch this anymore!

The next comment read: The leaders of the movement are clearly Nancy and Margaret. These immoral designers should be the ones withdrawing from the competition.

Christina had been standing out there for an indefinite amount of time, yet no one seemed to have any intentions of opening the door for her.

The outside was filled with protestors, while the mansion was locked from the inside. Christina was stuck in between and could go neither in nor out of the compound.

After scanning her surroundings, she spotted a set of badminton rackets. Hence, she walked over without hesitation.

Although the rackets were not sharp objects, she still slammed one against the door.

She did not use all her strength during her first try, yet the racket was already bent out of shape. The door did not budge from that.

Naturally, Christina realized she did not use enough strength the first time. Thus, she gathered all her might and brought it down on the door again and again, with each strike fiercer than before.

Soon, the door handle was broken, and so was her racket.

Forcing someone into a corner was extremely easy. All that was needed was to make that person lose their patience.

Christina’s expression turned colder, and her gaze grew more piercing as she picked up the other perfect badminton racket and continued hitting the gap in the door.

When the banging sounds rang out, the laughter in the house came to a halt.

Their expressions changed as they exchanged glances.

Nancy grew flustered when she saw Christina smashing the door with something on the outside.

After all, Christina seemed weak under normal circumstances. Nancy had never imagined the former would be stronger than she thought.

she trying to break the door?

beer bottle slipped from her hand as

do we do? Will Christina

Selena Saves The Day

worried looks, “What are you scared of? There’s no need

Moreover, Margaret believed they would not lose to someone

were reduced when they thought about that.

they had only chased her out of the house. It was nothing

needed if Christina wanted to pursue the matter.

the door being pushed open brought the women back to their senses. At the same time, a

froze and shifted their

her nose pink from the cold.

hand as if she would throw it at

that they hid behind Margaret. No one dared

show it. “What do you plan to do, Christina? It’s illegal


actually hits us. Let’s see how she’ll

think you’re worth it for

she never let go of the badminton racket. Instead, she kept closing the distance between her and the women.

shrieked in fright, “It’s not our fault. They were the ones who

What were

them with the racket

was extremely tense. Everyone simply gazed

heels clacking on the ground sounded


rang out, and everyone turned in the

It was Selena.

rushed toward Selena and complained, “Christina’s gone mad!

Just look at her eyes, Ms. Selena. She looks as if she’s going to eat us alive. She’s definitely gone mad. We need to call the

“Ms. Selena-”

Saves The Day

all of you!”

and stern expression stunned everyone at the scene.

the others an icy look. “How could

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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