Chapter 302 Wish The Ground Would Swallow Me Up

Christina styled Coco personally according to the shooting team’s instructions the next day.

The shoot went smoothly, and a few days later, the promotional photos were officially posted on cutebaby’s official website. The website had a feature for pre-orders, and each piece of clothing received thousands of orders in less than half an hour.

Coco also posted these promotional photos on her social media account, which garnered much attention. from her young fans.

The clothing brand quickly went viral among the upper class.

Jewel delivered traditional medicine to Hadley Corporation for Nathaniel.

The latter was still in a meeting when she arrived, so she decided to organize the messy documents on his desk while she was waiting for him.

Suddenly, a document caught her eyes, and she opened it to read its contents carefully.

“Who allowed you to go through my documents?” A chilly voice rang out.

Nathaniel then walked into the office.

Jewel was startled. She had always known Nathaniel was a serious and unapproachable person since childhood, so she had to be extremely cautious when interacting with him even as his cousin.

However, she was more concerned about the information she had just seen. She put down the document and ran over. “Nathaniel, you invested in cutebaby?”

Nathaniel furrowed his brows, as he didn’t intend to disclose this information to anyone else.

He didn’t reply and walked toward his chair.

Jewel followed behind him, her face filled with anticipation. “I love the clothes from this brand, but they only accept pre-orders online. Can you do me a favor and help me get the store to send me a series of ready-to-wear clothes?”

The brand was launched only three days ago, and almost every girl in the city was waiting for their pre- orders to get shipped. If she could get her hands on this brand’s collection in advance, she could show off in front of her friends.

you really want them?”

Jewel pleaded with puppy-dog

“All right.”

her, “But you can’t tell anyone, especially Christina, that I invested in

this brand because

he looked down on her. Jewel nodded fervently. “No problem,

nothing else, you can head

head to

left his office in a joyful

evening, she received cutebaby’s

in these outfits. Then, she edited the photos and posted them

be jealous of her for obtaining

of likes in a few

her photos. Some netizens even said that she looked better in those outfits compared

and thought she was

had known Nathaniel was cutebaby’s investor in the first place, she

is foolish for not choosing me

sum of revenue in less than a week because

to rush the shipments. On the other hand, the clothes in the physical stores were sold

a café

everything before her mother

think this three-story mansion is pretty nice. I’ll go with this one,” Christina said after scanning through the documents.

sign here and transfer the deposit to me,” replied the


and was about to sign when she was splashed by

real estate agent and the documents were

them exchanged bewildered glances. They couldn’t react in time as everything happened in the blink of an eye.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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