Chapter 306 Blooming Red Flower

Hearing the commotion, Raymond immediately rushed into the room with the housekeepers.

“Mrs. Hadley, what’s wrong?”

Christina’s face was wet with tears. “I need to go to the hospital… My grandmother is dying!”

It was as if a huge boulder was weighing down on her heart, suffocating her.

“I… I’ll call Mr. Hadley now. Raymond took out his phone nervously, wanting to ask Nathaniel for


“Do you not perceive the gravity of the situation? Why are you still thinking of calling Nathaniel? Does that mean I can’t leave without his approval?” Christina was bent out of shape.

Her sparkly eyes had lost their brightness and were currently filled with rage.

Raymond was troubled. They were working for Nathaniel, so they dared not go against his words. Christina snatched the phone over and dialed Nathaniel’s number. However, nobody answered the call. Meanwhile, Nathaniel was in his office. It had been almost a week since he last talked to Christina. The thought of her adorable face inevitably swayed his resolution.

At the end of the day, he still needed to deal with the issue no matter what.

All of a sudden, his phone pinged, and a piece of trending news popped up on the screen.

Pausing for a moment, he clicked into Twitter. What he saw made his blood run cold.

Francis had posted a picture of himself hugging a woman on his official Twitter account with a caption that read: Please come to my side. No matter what happens. I’ll keep you protected.

That post of his caused chaos in an instant, and in less than a day, the number of views had hit tens of millions.

The netizens erupted into a heated discussion upon finding out that their prince charming had gotten a girlfriend, and they couldn’t stop guessing the identity of the lucky woman.

The reporters naturally wanted to take advantage of the trending topic. They tried looking for any information in the photo regarding the woman’s identity but to no avail.

Francis used his body to cover the woman’s face in the photo, and only her petite figure could be seen.

Nevertheless, that photo looked familiar to Nathaniel.

of the photos of Francis and Christina that he

decided to publicize

entire life. All this while, he had been played like a fool by the person he hated the most and the woman he loved


his phone

grandmother is dying in the hospital. She wants to head out…” Raymond said

much that he almost couldn’t breathe. She’s going to meet Francis after seeing the news on Twitter, huh? How

are you there?” Raymond asked.

doesn’t leave

through the speaker before

quiet bedroom seemed

words resembled a knife that pierced through

out her phone and called Nathaniel

phone had been switched

asking the hospital to give Mr. Hadley a call. He will surely..

use of that? His phone is

want to go and see my grandmother!” Christina


for they were worried they might end up hurting her inadvertently. Moreover, they believed Christina wouldn’t lie

by the bodyguards when she ran out of the

Hadley, you can’t leave without permission from

bodyguards, but her amateurish attacks were

hard time. The bodyguards were helpless. They didn’t want to do that to her, but

that she was no match for these burly men at all. Desperately,

time she had an emotional breakdown was when her grandmother was in the operating room.

still locked her back inside

stood by the door anxiously, but he couldn’t

than to get rid of this annoying obstacle before her. However, there was nothing she could do

she threw it at the door in an attempt to break it down.

door didn’t budge despite her efforts.

stop smashing things until she was drained of all energy. Her right hand went numb and

felt so alone, as if she were the only

she realize how fragile one’s heart could be. All it took

curled up in a corner. The helplessness and resentment she was experiencing engulfed her whole as tears coursed down her face non-stop until she no longer had the energy to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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