Chapter 7

Chapter 7

Summer Frost POV

“Are you ok, ma’am?” Miguel asked as he glanced at me through the rearview mirror, and just nodded.

“Hmm… I’m fine,” Deep inside me, I was bleeding. My heart felt like it was being stamped on after being broken into shreds. It was burning in pain.

“What’s my schedule today?”

“You have nothing to do, ma’am,” He replied to me, and I nodded.

Even after many years, he still hasn’t changed his mind. To him, I was someone to needed to keep by his side because he missed me.

“Hmph!” I huffed at the thought of the ridiculous things he said.

The sound of my ringing phone caught my attention, and I sighed when I checked and saw that it was Hunter.


“Hey, Summer. Are you free?” His voice sounded from the other end and I hesitantly hummed.

“Do you want to hang out with me? I have an interesting place we can go to,” I exhaled briefly and rested my head on the headrest. I wasn’t sure I wanted that, but going home was definitely not something on my mind. I just wanted some time alone and to get through this mess.

“Hmm… Where should I meet you?” I eventually agreed.

“I’ll send you the address,” The call ended afterward, and shortly after, a text from him popped on the screen of my phone.

“Are they having a party there?” I mumbled after I checked the address and realized that it was at the popular villa downtown.

villa. Drive me there,” I looked up from my phone and said to Miguel who took another direction after we got to the junction. Although I had no idea why Hunter invited me to the villa, I was hoping it would help me out of this crazy mess

Miguel announced after he drove into the villa and pulled over at the

cars parked at the parking lot of the villa which only meant that there was an

voice caught my attention as he walked over to where I was standing with a

to him.

looked around the place briefly before I

is having his engagement party here. I guessed you would be bored, so I thought coming here would make you

“Oh…I mouthed and nodded.

turned to Miguel who was standing beside the far, and smiled

I will take her home later when we are done here,” He said to Miguel who looked at me for


Chapter 7

hand held out to me, the smile from

the building. Since I had been to similar places in the last few years, I wasn’t so surprised when

beauty.” I heard a masculine voice and all eyes fell on me, I was uncomfortable p

“Goodness! She’s so beautiful,”

was dressed

she a fallen angel? Damn!” My cheeks almost flushed when I heard the compliments from the people in the villa, but I

He paused in front of us, his right hand tucked inside his pocket, and

see you.” The man raised his eyebrows and smiled at Hunter briefly before he turned his attention

is she? Your woman?” He turned to Hunter and

I was hell embarrassed by Hunter’s reply, but

great. Any responsible man would definitely fall for her… The young man paused, then looked at

is a nice guy. You should give him a chance. I promise, you are not going

name is Daniel Clinton, CEO of Clinton Corporation. It’s nice to meet you,” He held out his hand to me, and I took

“Summer Frost,

party. He paused, then turned

I breathed out after he finally walked

my breath when another man in his early thirties walked up to us with a big

finally here. Congratulations, man,” Hunter hugged him passionately with a big smile

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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