Chapter 31

Chapter 31

Summer Frost

“Ma’am, I won’t be able to pick the kids from school later. I have something to attend to at home. Could you go pick them yourself?’ Chloe had said on the phone earlier just a few minutes after my meeting with Lisa, Miguel offered to go pick them instead, but I insisted knowing they would be happy to see


After fifteen minutes drive, I arrived at the school. They were already waiting at the parking lot when I arrived.

“I’m so sorry, my boys. Did I keep you waiting for long?” I squatted in front of them and ruffled their hair

“No, Mommy. School just dismissed. Why are you here instead of nanny Chloe? Is she alright?” Jack looked at me worriedly.

“Yes, she’s fine. She had something to attend to at home, so she couldn’t come here. Come on, let’s get going,” I held their hands and led them to the back of the car. After I belted them, I went to the driver’s seat and started the car.

“So, how was school today? Did you have fun?” I looked at them through the rearview mirror.

“Yes, Mommy. We did,”

“What about school activities? Did you participate? The teachings in class, did you understand everything?”

“Hmm, we did,”

“That’s good. You must be hungry. Should we go eat out before going home?” They usually don’t take much food to school on Fridays since they close early.

“No, Mommy. We are not hungry,” Jake shook his head, and I pulled a puzzled looke

“You had nothing before leaving for school earlier, and to the best of my knowledge, Chloe mentioned you only took snacks to school. How come you are not hungry?” They glanced at each other with suspicious look on their faces which gave me the impression that something was going on.

*Uncle Xander came to school today, and we had lunch together,” I matched the brake and the car made a loud screeching sound as it halt abruptly in the middle of the road.

“Mom!” They both shrieked with a terrified expression on their faces as a truck drove past us, almost hitting the car.

“Da mnit!” I parked the car properly at the side of the road. For the next few seconds, I tried to calm the anger that was eating me up, but the more I tried to control it, the more annoyed I was. It felt like something was fueling this burning rage in me.”

“Mom…” Even though I had not looked at them yet, I could tell from Jack’s voice that he was scared to the bone. I didn’t want to scare my kids, I wanted to be gentle with them, but this rage was too much for me to handle.

“What did I tell you about strangers?” I tried to keep my voice down. It took me all my s

“Yo… you…

to yell at the top of

get mad, but I insisted that we eat with him. He was completely harmless, Mom,” Jake’s voice came on, and those words from him felt like fuel to my anger became it sparked it even

to control yourself Summer. Don’t be so harsh on them. Please calm down,” I kept whispering to myself with

10:13 Wed, 12 Jun

Chapter 31

told you two to stop hanging out with strangers, didn’t 17


“He…he wasn’t harm…”


they were just kids and I couldn’t use those words for them. I took a deep breath and scoffed. “Harmless? You two are


only wanted to have lunch with us. He is fun to be

Summer. Don’t scare them like that I kept telling myself, but the thought of Xander getting close to the kids he denied years ago kept sparking my anger. What f uck ing right does he have to do that? What f u ck ing right does he have to po close to my children? How dare he think of himself as someone in the right place to eat with my

watched as tears streamed down

meal with him,” Jack’s teary voice sounded through my ears as I

we have always wanted. Mommy, can you please allow us? He really didn’t do anything to us. He was nice… He smiled at us, and I think I like him already,” Jake’s heartbroken voice broke my heart into a million pieces, forcing down my cheeks, the tears I was fighting back. I didn’t want to cry, at least not in the presence of my kids, but I couldn’t help it. This is not the kind of life I want for myself and my kids. I wanted my kids to have fatherly

us? Please don’t be mad at us. If you don’t want us to see him again, we won’t. I promise. Please look at me,” Jack’s voice came on again,

picked up my phone and stepped

can’t cry in front of your kids, please,” I wiped my tears with the back of my left palm while scrolling through my phone with my right

ma’am,” Came

Saint Louie estate.

meet you there right away,” I ended the call

minute, and although the twenty minutes Miguel spent before he arrived in a cab felt like

want me

care of,” I pulled the car door open, then picked up my handbag and turned to

car with me. I thought I was going to drive you

worry, I will take a cab,” I patted his shoulder,

you need anything.” He finally hopped inside the car

are allowed here, so I booked a ride which arrived in less than ten minutes, and I set

Chapter 31

Wed, 12 Jun

man called my attention after he pulled over in front of the


“Thirty-five bucks.”

the money was not much, I picked out a hundred dollars note


“Keep the change.”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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