Chapter 76

Chapter 76

“I told you already that something came up, Mom. I will call you tomorrow,” Hunter finally ended the call and breathed out in relief.

A smile formed on his lips as he stood on the hospital balcony and stared at the beautiful stars in the sky. Even though this feeling was temporary, even if it was only tonight he could stay by her side and watch her sleep peacefully, he would appreciate it and take the memory in his heart for a long time.

‘Is it worth it, Hunter? Is this worth it?’ his subconscious mind once again reminded him of the bitter truth which he was trying to shy away from even if he knew deep inside him. Things was never going to work out between the two of them, but f**k it! He was still determined to be with her, regardless.

‘Will you be able to bear it if she’s not happy with you?’ He knew he won’t be able to, it’ll be difficult to see her struggling, but it was only a matter of time. The fact that she didn’t fall for him all these years didn’t mean it can’t happen out of the blue moon, right?

Just when he was about to go back inside, his phone beeped, so he rolled his eyes when a text from Xander popped on the screen. He was just going to ignore it, but his curiosity got the best of him, so he unlocked the phone and clicked on the message.

‘Summer? Are you there? Why are you not replying to me?’ His heart pulsated as his grip around the phone slowly tightened. He tried to deny it, but the truth was staring right back at him. Summer had contacted Xander earlier when he lend her his phone.

you ever get over him?” A scoff tore through his throat as his

How much he really wanted to get mad at her for treating him like this, but then, she was the last person he could ever raise his voice at. The last person he ever wanted to make uncomfortable for any reason, the last person he ever wanted to hurt

Did he? The bitter truth is no! It was obvious that he was hunting a fruitless hunt that’ll never yield any good result,

and as he approached the ward, he prayed silently that Xander didn’t come to her. He was hoping he could spend this night with her alone in the hospital and admire her

of the woman he had spent the last years of his life, loving like his whole entirety depended on it, kissing and smooching with

him, but he didn’t dare to feel betrayed. How could he, when she never really betrayed him? It was obvious from the onset, she told him clearly things could never happen between them, so there

hitched uncomfortably as he watched the they kissed hungrily like they’ve been starved of it for years, the passion between the two of them, the tension. Just everything broke every piece of his heart, weakened his bones

there who would accept you without thinking twice. Just f**g walk away!’ came the voice in his head that kept screaming at him, but his heart wanted something else. It had to be her or no one else. It had to be this lady. She had captured his

in a bid to twist and open it, but just then, he heard footsteps behind him, so he paused then wiped his tears quickly and turned in the direction to find the doctor coming up to


the door so he could enter inside. Hunter looked back inside and found them cuddling up on the bed. They looked like loving couples. He looked back at the doctor with

23:51 Wed, 12 Jun

Chapter 76


Why don’t we do the check-up tomorrow?” Hunter’s voice came out weakly, the muscles of his face already tired of the fake

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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