The North Pole Prison was located in—as its name suggests—the North Pole, specifically the northernmost part of the North Pole. It was situated more than 500 meters beneath the earth’s surface, and it was there that the world’s most vicious and well-known criminals were imprisoned!

It was a prison that no one in history succeeded in escaping from!

At that moment, an elevator had risen to the earth’s surface from beneath. The elevator door opened slowly, and a man with a scruffy-looking face stepped out from inside.

“Congratulations on being released from prison.” A burly man said in a coarse voice. He was in charge of guarding the place.

A bodacious middle-aged woman looked solemnly at the prisoner who had just stepped out of the elevator and said, “You’ll be a free man after stepping out of that gate over there!”

Severin Feuillet, fresh out of prison, glanced at the door in front of him with mixed emotions. “I could’ve left this place whenever I wanted.”

The middle-aged woman’s red lips parted slightly, but she did not say a single word. After all, she could not refute what he had said. The multitude of evil people imprisoned beneath them included well-known secret agents, warlords, and even the leaders of several huge underworld organizations, yet all had been subdued by Severin. All those individuals were nothing to him.

There was war in the country of Dracodom three years ago, and it was an uphill task for the kingdom to resist the foreign powers that invaded it. Eventually, the kingdom’s officials decided to send four young people to receive tutelage from Severin.

He taught them for only half a year and sent them back as full-fledged warriors who turned the tide of the war almost instantly. Their achievements then earned them recognition as Dracodom’s renowned war heroes!

When Severin reached the gate, he stopped, turned around, and glanced intently at the tall castle-like building behind him. He then knelt down and kowtowed three times. “Old Wacko! I’ll be leaving this place now! Thank you for taking care of me the past five years!”

Emotions began welling up inside of Severin. When he was first sent to that prison, he witnessed how a gray-haired old man was bullied and withheld from having any food. Severin then willingly decided to share half of his food to the man.

Everyone in prison called the old man a wacko because he was constantly mumbling about achieving immortality. Many ignored him, and some even abused him verbally, yet the Old Wacko seemed rather nonchalant about the whole thing. Severin was the only one who chatted with him every day, prompting the others to call Severin ‘Little Wacko’.

Old Wacko was actually an erudite savant,

left, but their destinations were completely different.

“Greetings, Master!”

The jaws of all Dracodom’s upper-cla*s individuals would almost certainly drop to ground if they were to see the respect that those four people accorded to Severin. After all, they were none other than the Four War

saw them. “Why are you folks

four of them stood up, and the old man cupped his hands respectfully before answering, “We, as disciples, are obliged to welcome our Master upon

Severin asked curtly as

we’ve acquired…we have our own territories too!” The middle-aged woman explained to him the achievements that she and the others have made. It was obvious

much expression,

them were secretly delighted, for it was not easy to get a compliment from

as and when you like. I’ll top up the

man then asked, “Would you like a position? I can give

“My granddaughter is a beautiful woman,

Master. Why don’t you have a look at the place and see if you’re

spend my days in peace with my parents and Lucy, thank you very much. I’ve been meaning to make it

if you don’t want anything

had received wealth and power, courtesy of Severin. It was only natural, then, that they hoped

leave your contact information in it. I’ll pay you guys a visit once I have the time!” Severin smiled faintly and touched a minimalistic-looking

immediately took out a new cell phone and

middle-aged man immediately took out a pack of cigarettes

taking a big puff, he said with the utmost appreciation, “Thank you all. Don’t you worry about me though. I am your master, after all, so


exchanged shocked looks at

the city

once. As the sun was

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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