“You don’t know her?” Maurice frowned when he saw Severin’s puzzled face. He did not believe that anyone would help their family for no apparent reason.

Severin shook his head. “Have you seen what she looks like?”

Judith shook her head and said, “No. Whenever she comes to send us money, she’ll knock twice on the door twice and leave immediately. We’ve never seen her face, and the most we saw is her rear figure as she rode off on an electric bicycle. She doesn’t come at a fixed time either. Sometimes it’s in the morning, sometimes at night, but she’ll generally come around the fifteenth or sixteenth of every month!”

Severin nodded. “Not to worry, I’ll definitely return the favor of those who helped us.”

After a*suring them that he would not forget everyone’s kindness, Severin paused for a moment before saying to his parents, “Stop picking up trash to sell, Mom. And stop going to work at the construction site either, Dad. Now that I’m back, I’ll take care of you both from now on!”

Maurice smiled bitterly. “That just won’t do. I’m only fifty now, and I should help earn some money while I still can. There’s plenty of time to rest if I finally can’t do it anymore!”

Judith then said, “He’s right. You need to money after coming out of prison. Where are we going to get money if we don’t work?”

Severin thought for a moment and said with a faint smile, “You can both take it easy from now on. We have money, so there’s really no need for the both of you to keep worrying. There is still a lot of money left behind from what that generous man gave to me! I won’t be happy if you still pick up garbage to sell and work at the construction site.”

Seeing Severin’s slightly chastising look, Judith smiled and said, “Alright, alright. We should relax a little now that you’re back. The money owed to Easton has been paid off too, so we can breathe a sigh of relief now.”

Severin looked at Maurice, and remarked, “Besides, Dad needs to rest. His waist muscles have been strained for the past few days, and he’ll suffer from lower back pain. If this goes on, his health would only continue to worsen! It’s not worth it!”

had been suffering a backache for the past two days, but he did not go to the hospital for fear of having to spend money. In the end, he decided to withstand the pain

angrily at Maurice and chastised him, “Is money or your health more important? What am I going to do

that serious. I was planning to get a pain-relieving patch in a couple of days and put it on!” Maurice smiled

some ointment here, which you can just rub it on! I estimate that

fished out

so? Haha, that’s great, then! I can save money

lot of wine that night and chatted with Severin for a long time. The next morning, Maurice got up and stretched his waist. Though it had

waist a couple of times and confirmed that there really

healed, Judith! It doesn’t hurt anymore!” Maurice hurriedly woke Judith

like a miracle. You told me that it hurt when I rubbed the ointment on your waist last night. Did it really heal in just one night?” Judith found it a little hard to

then said, “I’ll visit the construction site later and tell the

woke up. Let’s head out and get some bread later. It’s about time we eat something good for breakfast!” When Judith thought of Severin’s return, she seemed to have become several years

a while. “That boy woke up

little if he can land a good job and keep it!” Maurice sighed and said again, “I’ll take a break for a couple of days before checking to see if I could find a job that doesn’t put so

familiar park elicited a little

woman in a floral dress let out a cry of surprise from one of the pavilions in the park. “Grandpa! Are

latter’s face was red, and he had difficulty forming a coherent sentence. A middle-aged man who had been playing chess with the old man was just as startled, and he got down to

soon as he realized

suffering a sudden cerebral hemorrhage!” Severin determined

the floral dress was very sweet-looking, but as soon as

under control. Let me examine him!” Severin immediately laid the old man flat on the ground and used his fingers to tap several points on

improved by

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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