Charmaine nodded. “Yeah, I understand, Grandpa. I just didn’t think that someone dressed like that could actually be some sort of prodigious doctor. Logically speaking, someone like him wouldn’t be short of money, right?”

“Hehe.” Henry chuckled. “Savants like him probably treat this as training!” Severin had piqued his curiosity greatly.

“Training?” Charmaine’s brows furrowed and she seemed a little puzzled.

“Training the mind is a form of training too. Great recluses might choose to stay at a city and keep a low-profile. Some savants might already be able to see through many things. Anyway, the thoughts of such reclusive savants aren’t something that ordinary people like us are able to figure out!”

Henry chuckled, and then said poignantly, “The reason us Longhorns are where we are today is in no small part due to a savant that helped us in the past!”

Charmaine nodded pensively after hearing that.

At that moment, Severin had already arrived outside a bank. He frowned when he looked at the purplish-gold bank card that Old Wacko had left to him. “Old Wacko said that there’s a lot of money inside the account, and he doesn’t even know how much there is inside! He also told me that I had to pay a visit to Dracodeus Isle it on the fifteenth of August for destiny or something like that. Well, there’s still over a month to go until then!”

As Severin’s fingers caressed the Dracodeus Ring that Old Wacko had given to him, his lips curled into a smile and he walked right into the bank.

“Security! Security! Why isn’t security during their job! How could you let someone with such raggedy clothes in here? Is this the kind of establishment where hobos are allowed in too? Gosh, you can smell the stench of this person’s poverty from a mile away!”

Severin had taken just a few steps in when a lady wearing lavish jewelry yelled at the security guard with a look of disgust.

The security guard came over, smiled awkwardly at Severin, and said, “Sir, please leave if you have no business here.”

are you talking about? Why would I come

He felt as if he had been put in a tight spot as he asked, “What sort of business do have here,

and said with a triumphant smile, “I’m

ATM over there…” The

Or two hundred thousand? Will the ATM

I’m not sure the account linked to

that before. Is it some membership card you

the bank

Does he even have that much money? Hey, everyone! Look here! This fool is trying to pretend as if he’s some big shot by waving around a card he probably picked up from

had two bodyguards with her, and her yells were so loud

nonsense. He stepped forward, slapped the woman on the face, and said, “My clothes might be a little black here and

began heaving due to anger, and she pointed at Severin while saying, “See! That b*stard just slapped me! Damn prick. Don’t

don’t need to know who you are to slap you.” Severin grinned icily and had a contemptuous look on his face, as if he was

the Four Great War Heroes based their actions around his mood, he would have

the Eastshine Group’s president, Preston Kingsley! Where did you get the courage to slap her?” The two bodyguards rushed forward aggressively. With a tall and robust figure, they

appeared shocked, but see he soon grinned and said, “Doesn’t

two bodyguards looked at each other, took a step forward, and punched Severin

consecutive kicks to both the bodyguards. They

the two bodyguards collapsing to the ground and having difficulty getting up, she was so

his leg, scaring the woman into closing her mouth.

the wife of Mister Preston Kingsley, the Eastshine Group’s president? How could you embarra*s yourself like this? It’s so shameful! Hey, everyone, look! She wet herself in the bank lobby. She must be one of those from


“Ah, I…”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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