Severin gave it a little thought before finally deciding to walk up to the door and knock on it.

“Who is it?” The beautiful woman frowned when she heard the knock on the door and immediately walked over. She looked carefully at Severin and seemed to be a little lost in thought.

“Hi, may I ask who are you?” Severin asked in a serious tone as he stared at the flawlessly beautiful woman in front of her.

“I’m the one who should be asking you that question. You’re the one who came to me, after all.” The woman smiled and folded her arms. Mere words could not describe just how beautiful that smile was.

Severin frowned and said, “Oh, my name is Severin Feuillet. I’d like to know who you are and why you’re helping my parents by giving them money every month. You call yourself a friend of mine, but I don’t really remember having someone like you as a friend!” He had this feeling at the back of his mind that the woman in front of him was a little familiar, just that he could not remember who she was. For that reason, he decided to ask her once and for and get to the bottom of it. Perhaps she could be his high school cla*smate or something of the sort. Hence, it would be understandable for him not to recognize her since they had not met each other for several years already.

When the beautiful woman in front of him heard that his name was Severin, the smile on her face froze instantly.

There seemed to be a kind of burning anger in her eyes, for they started turning red as tears began to well up in her eye sockets.

In the end, the woman finally closed her eyes, exhaled heavily, and controlled her emotions before opening her eyes again. She pushed Severin back, walked out of the house, and said to Selene inside, “Could you excuse me for a bit, sweetie? I need to talk to this man.” She closed the door soon after.

He tried hard to remember who she was, but to no avail. It boggled him why that

before they set you free!”

a conditioned reflex that led Severin to grab her arm as soon as she stretched out her hand. “What’s gotten into you, woman? I honestly can’t remember when we last met, but I am definitely not a

for sure! I’d recognize you even if you were burnt into ash!” The woman looked fiercely at Severin despite him grabbing her arm tightly. “Don’t you remember me? I’m Diane Shanahan! The woman whose life you’ve ruined! I’m

did not know who she was, or

her face did feel a little

remember where we met. I don’t recall anyone of my cla*smates or acquaintances with the name Diane.” Severin let go of

face as she yelled, “You’ll pay? Are you even able to pay up? What will you use to pay me back? How

speechless, but he could sense that she was in genuine anguish. Clearly, her tears were real, and she was not

now, so I’d rather not talk to you when you’re in this condition. We’ll talk once you calm down!” Severin looked at her helplessly. He did not know how to comfort her, so he finally decided to walk

After Severin left, Diane crouched on the ground and cried helplessly. Unbeknownst

came out and stretched out her small hand to hold Diane’s hand. “Why are you crying, Mom? Did

and finally touched Selene’s head while saying, “Okay, Selene. I won’t cry. You shouldn’t cry

“Okay!” Selene nodded obediently.

dad?” Diane could not help but ask when she looked

have dads, so I want a

be coming back soon. I’m going to pick him up later

Selene heard what her mother said, her big eyes widened considerably at that moment and she clapped her

lots and lots toys!” Diane felt an ache in her heart. She had been lying to her daughter all along, saying that her father had been

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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