Lucy took a step forward, glared fiercely at Severin, and said, “We couldn’t get married because you went to prison, Severin. Am I to blame for that? Why should I return the money?” She folded her arms and then said proudly, “Living in poverty must’ve driven you crazy. You’re asking me for money because you don’t have any after coming out of prison, right? I wasted three years of my youth during our three-year relationship, and that forty thousand is just about enough to compensate me for the time lost. A little over ten thousand a year shouldn’t be much, right?”

“Tch!” Severin never expected her to say that so righteously. Enraged, he glared at Lucy and said, “So is your youth all that matters? What about mine?” Severin asked while walking slowly toward Lucy. “I bought you whatever you wanted during those three years. Have I not been good enough to you? I’m on your beck and call. I listen to whatever you say, and I’ve treated you so well. And what about you? What have you done for me? I even went to prison for you. Doesn’t my youth matter?”

Severin’s anger had reached its peak and he stopped suddenly to slap a chair next to him.

In an instant, the chair shattered into countless pieces and everything was scattered all over the floor!

The onlookers were all startled and a ruckus immediately ensued.

Lucy was so scared that her body was starting to tremble. Her family had only dared to hara*s Severin’s parents because Severin was in prison, in the event that he was released, they all a*sumed that Severin would not dare to cause them any trouble.

They were obviously not going to return the money that they had gotten.

Lucy gritted her teeth before looking up and saying to Severin, “You went gambling and lost a lot of money, so you sold me to Easton for about seven thousand bucks. What do you have to say about that, you scum? Am I only worth that bit of money to you?”

Severin smiled bitterly as he looked at Lucy and said, “Didn’t I explain to you that I was set up? You then forgave me and said that you’d wait for me! Everything that happened was set up by Easton! I have nothing against you if you didn’t want to wait for me, and I can accept it if you broke off the engagement. What I can’t accept is why you joined hands with that son-of-a-b*tch to hara*s my parents? I don’t care what happens to me, but I won’t allow anyone to bully my parents!”

to maintain a decent image in front of many wealthy businessmen, so it would not be good if that sort of information was spread around by other people. He immediately pointed at Severin

finger at me.”

Severin. “Oh, but I am. What are you gonna do about it? Bite

grabbed Easton’s index finger,

as Severin casually dropped Easton’s finger,

Lucy saw that, she squatted down right away and asked Easton,

on his forehead were bulging out. He turned his head to Trevor, who was standing not too far away, and

kill you, kid.” Trevor pointed at Severin and yelled. His eyes opened wide in anger, and

Severin to be that bold, but since his bodyguards would be arriving anytime soon, he would make sure to end

the money I gave your family as a dowry. Then there’s the matrimonial home that you sold to Easton for a hundred and fifty thousand even though I bought for three hundred thousand. My parents’ hard-earned money, which they’ve been working so hard to save up for all their life, were all spent on that home. I want

over all that information, and

even live long enough to spend the money if I give it to you! Why don’t you just go ahead and rob a bank!” Helga could never have been willing to return the money that she had gotten. The Orwells had made a small fortune over the years through their connection with Loughs, and they had since managed to buy a car, a house, build a considerable amount of savings, and even opened a small company. Despite all those riches, a

my parents’ hard-earned money. You don’t have to return it if you don’t want to,

she did not expect

lost his mind because of money!” Lucy stood up, glared

and I expect an answer from you before then!” Severin could not be bothered to entertain their nonsense

look directly at Severin, but was still able to muster up the courage to threaten him after remember the Loughs’ influence. “Think this through, Severin. You’ll only offend the Loughs! Aren’t you

Severin took one step forward with every number he uttered, thereby reducing the distance between himself

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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