Chapter 22

Little did anyone expect that the owner of the hotel would show up there with the hotel’s security guards.

Everyone there moves aside so he could pa*s through.

Severin looked over and saw none other than the middle-aged man who played chess with Henry earlier that morning. He wondered what the man was doing there.

“Oh, hello, Mister Monroe. What brings you here?” Trevor said with a smile.

the owner of the Richemont Hotel, glanced at Severin and said, “I was told that somebody was causing trouble in my

son!” Trevor pointed at Severin and said angrily. “I don’t need your hotel security guards to take any action, though.

someone like him into your hotel. After all, it’s a really big place, so it’s

he didn’t expect was that Denzel smiled, “Excuse me, but this man right here is a friend of mine. I

on Trevor’s face gradually

not compare to the Shanahans, they were only slightly below the latter. For the time being at least, they were the family with the highest chance of elevating their status to that

him. Within seconds, however, he understood that the

Severin saved Henry’s life. Furthermore, Henry would probably be arriving very soon, and when he found out that Denzel had helped

I’m afraid I can’t pa*s him over to you. How about I give you half-off on

a couple of times and he glared at Denzel while saying, “I held the wedding banquet at your hotel out of respect for you, Denzel. It’s bad enough that your men can’t maintain order here, and now you’re speaking up for this kid? Are

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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