Chapter 31

Diane still had not taken too kindly to Severin, but at the thought of her daughter and the sight of Severin’s sincere expression earlier, she eventually gave in and allowed him to hold her hand. As they reached the door to her home, she took out her key and opened it. Inside, Selene was sitting quietly on an old sofa while watching cartoons.

“Mom! Is Dad back?” Selene immediately ran over when she heard her mother open the door.

Severin walked in, and when he gazed upon the four-year-old girl in front of him, the strong connection he felt from their blood relationship made his heart skip a beat.

“Mom…this man…is my dad?” Selene held Diane’s hand and asked timidly. Severin was a stranger, after all, and it was only natural for her to feel wary of him.

Diane frowned slightly, but a smile soon unfurled across her face. She squatted down, caressed Selene’s face, and nodded. “That’s right, Selene. He’s your father. Weren’t you looking forward to his return? Well, here he is!”

“I’m so happy! I finally have a dad now!” Selene was ecstatic and jumped for joy.

out, running toward

that Severin was in prison, he was able to make even the most vicious of people submit to him. His heart had been tempered by those experiences, or so he believed. Yet when the little girl in front

it’s me, Selene!” Severin squatted down and hugged his daughter in his arms. Even his eyes were tinged with

“Dad! Mom said you went away to earn loads and loads of money! Are you

not help but smile dotingly. He touched her round face and said, “I am. I’ve made a lot of money so none of us have


we get something to eat!” Severin agreed right away. The closeness he felt toward someone who was his flesh and blood was such a novel feeling for him, and his affection for Selene grew with every

earned a lot of money, so

“Mom, you don’t need to go to work anymore now that Dad has so much money! You’ll

All she

Mom won’t have to go to work anymore, and I can spend more time

lunch! The car is still

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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