Chapter 34

Severin smiled and clinked gla*ses with them before drinking his gla*s of red wine.

The Shanahans had just returned home by then. As soon as they got out of the car, Catherine asked Felicia, “Just how much do you know about Severin? How could he rub shoulders with someone like Henry? Henry was being so respectful to him too, and judging from that attitude, he probably holds Severin in very high regard!”

Felicia suddenly smiled awkwardly. “We have no idea either. Diane refused to tell anyone who Selene’s father was, and we didn’t even know that he was the same person who offended Easton five

years ago. It was only today that we found out that Selene’s father is an ex-convict!”

The old lady frowned, looked at Felicia and William. “You’re well aware that the rules are always used against those who are powerless. Since Severin was imprisoned back then, we can be sure that he used to be an ordinary person with neither money nor power. However, having Henry’s protection right now means that there is more to Severin than it appears on the surface. There must be something special about him!”

trying to imply something, so he asked, “What do you

pondered for a moment. “The past was the past. It’s been so many years since then. I think you should let Diane and her family move back here. What are three extra mouths to feed? We can still afford

hear that and immediately sought to confirm what Catherine just said.” Do I understand you correctly, Mom? Are we letting bygones be bygones? Does this mean you’re fine with Diane, Selene, and Severin

lady’s face sank. “Have

Grandma?” Diane’s elder cousin brother, Stanley, immediately expressed his unhappiness when the old lady offered to have Diane’s family move back. “Diane brought shame to the Shanahans. and her one-night stand is an ex-convict. Won’t it be a slap in our faces if we just let them move back here? You said it yourself back then that she will forever be barred from stepping foot in our home if she

I don’t want us to face all that shame, the fact is that we already have. What am I supposed to do?

Felicia’s temper, deterred him from visiting Diane and Selene. Even so, he did visit them secretly a few times in private and

that his mother was planning to welcome

a lot in the past few years, and I’m sure she knows that she is

expression, “I can hardly believe that she’ll know what she had done wrong. If she did, she wouldn’t continue to be with Severin!” At that point, she stepped forward and persuaded the old lady, “Edward’s side contacted us again. him. and said that he’d give us a dowry of one-and-a-half-million dollars if Diane is willing to marry It’s obvious that he still can’t get over Diane, and that’s what you called true

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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