Chapter 68

“N-n-no! This wasn’t supposed to happen!”

The manager wiped off a cold sweat in an instant. Jada had explained that Severin was pretty good at fighting, and if their restaurant’s thugs were not up to the task, he could always call One- Eye to help them. After all, One-Eye was the strongest of them all, and their restaurant had always gotten along well with him. His subordinates were all very skilled fighters, and he was able to hold out his own too. In fact, he was so good that he could face several dozen ordinary thugs without ever being at a disadvantage during a battle.

Although Jada had given the manager a heads-up on Severin’s strength, he did not think that Severin would be able to knock down their thugs and felt that Jada was making a mountain out of a molehill. It was therefore a huge surprise to see that all their thugs had ended up falling to the ground in a heap. They all let out agonized cries and were unable to stand up, which seemed to indicate that they were seriously injured.

“Can we go now?” Severin sneered. Since the restaurant’s people had spared no effort in targeting him, he had decided that he would not pay for the meal regardless of what happened.

“Hehe, what do you think?” The manager chuckled, took out a cell phone, and made a call.

Within a minute of him hanging up, about seventy or eighty people showed up on the street outside, each of whom had a machete in hand. At a glance, they looked so much more imposing than the dozen or so people that came earlier, and there had a distinct murderous aura about him. The one-eyed man leading them was the most imposing of the lot with his robust figure and bulging muscles.

You guys came

in front

to leave without paying?” One-Eye asked

them right here!”, Steve,

can deal with dozens of people by himself all at once. More importantly, he’s a skilled warrior from the Cedar Gang.

“Do you expect us to pay up when they’re trying to charge us ten times the original price? We’re not some pushovers that you can just do whatever

control!” One-Eye laughed. “I’m on very good terms with the owner here, so I can’t let you

tell that Judith, Diane, and the others were all very worried. That was

Chapter 68

time to proceed to the next

and then said with a half-smile, “Miss Diane, to be honest, you’re an acquaintance of our boss. Our boss wishes to speak with you, and he says that today’s

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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