Chapter 142

Severin could tell Diane’s mood had gotten better. He started to feel a little emotional. ‘Money is still the best tool in this world. Although Diane never thought about leaving me when I was poor, we would never be treated equally by her family. Needless to say, being blessed by them. Diane would have a terrible time if we continued to live that way,’ he thought.

Soon, the three cars arrived at Shanahan’s estate. Every member of the Shanahan lived in the villa inside the estate. They bought a couple of villas and built a wall to make their own private compound.

However, these villas were incomparable to the villa in Dragon Lake Vista where Severin now stayed.

“What’s going on? Who do those three cars belong to?”

“I don’t know. I never saw it before. Three identical cars. I bet they cost around a hundred

thousand dollars.”

You’re wrong. This is the one with the highest

and take a look at who’s

the three cars driving in from far away. They quickly

I see it correctly? Megan bought

Megan, Felicia, and William getting off from the

the limelight away from her. If Diane was not in the picture, the most beautiful woman the rich kids always talked about must be her, Maryam Shanahan, and

this car? This car is expensive, isn’t it?” Maryam asked weirdly when she came

she looked at Severin. “Huh? Who is this guy? I don’t think I

was standing in front of Severin when she asked that question. She give it a thought and continued, “Diane, did this handsome guy buy these cars for you and your

never liked Maryam. When she was being a food delivery person, she would sometimes bump into her on the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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