Chapter 148

“Those three cars outside….did you buy them?” Catherine asked again.

Severin nodded. “That’s right!”

The old lady then smiled and said, “But you were just released, weren’t you? Where did you get so much money?”

Severin was speechless. ‘This old woman is asking too many questions.”

However, he felt that it would not be inappropriate to ignore her, so he smiled slightly and said,” To tell you the truth, I met a savant in prison and we developed a very good relationship. He eventually gave me a lot of money, so these cars are like spare change to me!”

clearly did not believe Severin’s explanation one bit, because in her opinion, whatever money Severin had must have been given to him by Henry Longhorn. After all, Severin had saved Henry, and it

the Shanahans’ son-in-law. If Diane marries you, then you’d be part of the

down, they did not want a nobody who just came out of jail to become the Shanahans’ son-in-law. However,

lady to accept him that quickly. Though she still

From now on, we’re all family. Diane’s

down and talk. Take your seat, everyone.” The old lady beckoned everyone to have a seat and looked at

‘She’s probably thinking about the Liberty City project!’ That would explain why the old woman would have such a good attitude toward him and accepted him

Grandma. I’m one of the

was overjoyed when she

everyone’s surprise, however, Severin continued, “But this getting this Liberty City project isn’t going to easy. Henry has

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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