Chapter 155

As soon as Severin ended the call, Judith stepped forward anxiously and asked, “How did it go? Is Larry coming?”

Severin smiled. “It’ll be fine, Mom. I helped him in the morning, didn’t I? He’ll be here!”

Judith breathed a sigh of relief after receiving Severin’s a*surance.

“Keep bragging, kid! You have only one hour. If he doesn’t come by then, you’ll be in for a treat!” Manuel smiled coldly and did not believe Severin’s words at all.

him no mind and walked to one side to smoke

Stanley. I bet Severin is smoking because he wants to relieve his

kind who wants to smoke whenever he gets a little nervous. Doesn’t he know who Larry

cars drove over and parked at the gate. Many of

his men, and to everyone’s surprise, he had brought a significant number of people more than

he saw who was leading the charge. If Severin could get someone like Larry to come over with just a phone call, then the old

sneer when he came. There were traces of disdain in his

was not afraid of Draco Hall at all. They might be powerful, but their overall strength was about par

be afraid of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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