Chapter 161

“No! Let me go! I’m begging you! Hic, hic! The curvy young woman with an adorable face was quite charming indeed She had been pinned down by two men, and she could only beg them to let her go because struggling was futile

“Hehe, our boss gave you a chance to collect the money within a week and you failed, so since we can’t get any money, we just have to have a bit of fun with you, hehe The bald man could not help but lick his lips when he saw her struggling, and there was a hint of arousal in his eyes. She had an amazing figure, and the sight of her trying to break free from their restraints excited him even


Seeing her resisting so fiercely with a scared expression made him wonder if she was still a virgin.

her down. He was getting a little restless and wished that he could go first when he saw that the man whom he called Johnny was taking too long to do

in no hurry at all and told

moment, however, a black shadow behind him appeared in a flash and

out in pain, causing the other two guys to come to their senses and let go of

meddle in my business? Do you know who the f*ck I am?” Johnny got

think you are? Some kind of hero who wants to save the damsel in distress?” The blonde guy was so

she hid to one side in fright and sat curled up on the ground while sobbing non-stop. She then frantically buttoned two of her shirt buttons. which had snapped open

men looked at each other and charged at Severin, but were kicked down to the ground in a split second. The kick sent them flying backward before falling heavily on the ground,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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