Chapter 175

Severin’s expression was still surprisingly indifferent as he turned around to glance at the 20 people behind him. “Twenty men? That’s all? And they’re just all low-level gangsters. I can barely. get a proper warmup if I fight them.”

Queenie nearly fainted when she heard that and immediately chastised him, “Why are you still pretending to intimidate them? These guys don’t get scared so easily. Let’s just beg Hugh!”

“Beg him?” Severin was stunned for a moment. “Do you think you’ll get anything if you beg ant animal like him?”

Queenie was speechless. Severin’s remark had rendered it useless to kneel or kowtow to Hugh because it would have already offended Hugh beyond the point of redemption.

“Alright then, kid. Shoe me what you got!” Hugh waved his hand to give his subordinates the signal

to act.

eyes and he darted toward them in a blink of an eye. At that moment, he seemed

on the ground in less than twenty seconds. The three men whom he beat up the previous night

broke out on his forehead. For the record, he was one of those people who could hold his own against ten men, but dispatching twenty people


fight like that! “Queenie was stunned silly, and

looked at

a little less cra*s in your words? It’d sound nicer if

f*cking awesome!” Queenie rolled her eyes and looked at Hugh again. She was no longer afraid of him at that moment. “Do you

Hugh raised his hand, wiped away the cold sweat from his forehead, then stretched out his hand again to

sigh of relief after

settled scores yet!” After saying that, he walked right to the sofa and say

I didn’t expect you to bully my cousin

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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