Chapter 177

Hugh gritted his teeth and endured the agonizing pain as he finally transferred the money to Queenie’s account.

“I received it!” Queenie’s voice trembled as she looked at the number displayed on her phone. She had never seen such a huge sum of money in her life!

“Haha, wonderful! Let’s go!” Severin laughed and left with Queenie.

“Hugh…Hugh…you need to let ‘them’ know. That f*cker….he crossed the line.” One of the guys crawled over to Hugh.

Hugh glared angrily at the other party and yelled, “You dumbf*ck! Do you know what’s the most. important thing we need to do right now?”

so badly that all

in pain. “Call an ambulance and have me sent me to the hospital, you f*ckwad. I don’t even know whether or

right! We need to go to the hospital!” the guy

Audi A8 that was parked on the street. When they got into the vehicle, Queenie was still

won’t let us go that easily now that you’ve extorted forty hundred and fifty thousand from him! Bring your family, and I’ll bring mine too. Both our families. will run away together and

have asked for the money. We should’ve just left when they let us leave! We stand to lose so much more

nervous. “Don’t you think you’re being too much of a scaredy cat? I remember you fighting those bullies who picked on me when I was still a kid. We grew

eyes at Severin. “I’m not a scaredy cat. Hugh just has a strong backer, and I don’t think we’ll have the chance

him when I beat him up earlier, and I’ll do the same if he comes to cause trouble again!” Severin smiled slightly and seemed

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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