Chapter 316

“Good for you, I guess? Whatever connections that the Shanahans have built with other families are of no concern to us!” Robert said. “But those who want to leave our bar without paying the bill can keep dreaming!”

After a while, Catherine arrived along with Stanley’s parents-George and Cherise, as well as Diane and her family-comprising of her parents, William and Felicia, as well as her sister, Megan. Naturally, more than a dozen of the Shanahans’ bodyguards followed suit too.

“Mom! Dad! You’re finally here! I wasn’t allowed to leave before I don’t have any money on me to pay the bill!” Stanley immediately put on a pitiful act and cried out to Cherise and George when he saw them coming.

Cherise felt incredibly heartbroken to see her son like that, so she immediately stepped forward and said, “Don’t be afraid, Stanley. I’m here. We’re an upper-cla*s family, and a few bottles of wine won’t be a problem for us. What exactly happened though? While we were on the way here, your grandma explained that Severin landed you in this mess. Is that true?”

Madam Jodie from the Zelankos, so he said he’d treat me to a drink. I accepted his offer, but after we’d ordered all this wine, he decided to sneak away with another woman without bothering to pay the bill! I’m guessing he got a room with that woman, which

and said, “Why didn’t that b*stard pay for the food and drink after agreeing to treat you? Besides, paying this bill isn’t that big of a problem for him he got that

that number right, Stanley?” Rather than getting angry upon hearing that Severin had gotten a room with another woman, Felicia’s eyes lit up and she was shocked to hear all that

money without batting an eye? At the very least, he

than anything. After all, Diane had waited many years for Severin and suffered terribly as a result. It was hard for her not to get angry, considering how Severin had gotten involved with some wretched woman

like him would easily be tempted by vice after getting rich. As if philandering around wasn’t bad enough, he went so far as to leave Stanley behind without

do you mean by that? Are you saying that

long as we make sure that no

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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