Chapter 2159

Karl sipped his hot tea in a calm and composed voice. Wher told that Severin had made a breakthrough to paragon, Kar thought was surprise and bewilderment. It was rather astonish Severin to progress at such a swift rate, even within his generation of prodigies.

“I initially expected him to reach paragonhood earliest by next year. Who would’ve thought that it came so soon…” Karl savored his tea with an icy expression. He then unleashed a surge of spiritual energy from his body, creating a roaring sonic boom that ripped through the


to train from supreme saint to paragon after his rebirth.

Severin accomplished it in just one year. There might not even be anyone in Midland who could achieve such

Severin’s speed might be impressive, but Karl was blessed with everything that he inherited from his previous life as a royal paragon. No ordinary paragon could ever hope to compare themselves to him. Moreover, Karl was reincarnated simply because he was driven by a strong desire for immortality in the golden age. He needed to secure

declared in a cold tone, “I’m aiming for first place in the tournament. No one can stop me from achieving


supreme praised him. “Severin has just only made a breakthrough to paragon. He’ll never

disciple chimed in, “Yeah! You’re now a level two His puny strength can only measure up

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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