"My name is Jeros. What's yours?" Jeros said as he readied his humongous bone blade. He did a couple of small jumps to warm up and swung his sword to the left and right.

Gravis saw how gracefully and quickly Jeros moved his sword and realized that this fight would not be easy. "I'm Gravis," he said.

"Gravis, a good name! Alright, let's start. Be careful!" Jeros shouted as he shot forward and chopped at Gravis.

'Fast!' Gravis shouted in his mind. Jeros was faster than a low-grade demonic beast. Gravis always had to preplan his actions against such opponents, because his own speed could not compare. Yet, this time, he fought a human with such speed and power, not a monster.

Gravis wanted to test his opponent's strength and blocked the humongous sword with his saber.


Gravis' whole body shook, and the power of the strike buried him up to his knees into the ground, the street breaking in the process. His entire body ached, and he felt like his whole body was churning on the inside.

"Oh, that's impressive," Jeros said with surprise. "I didn't use my full strength, but you still managed to block my strike." Jeros jumped back. "Your muscles are definitely not tempered yet, but you could still block a casual strike from me. That's really impressive."

Gravis jumped out of the hole and limbered up his stiff muscles. After some seconds, where Jeros just waited for Gravis to finish, Gravis readied himself again. "Alright, we can continue." Gravis' eyes narrowed. "Now, this fight will become different."

Jeros laughed loudly. "I'm looking forward to it," he shouted as he shot forward again, doing the same chop as before. Gravis was prepared and raised his saber again in a block. Yet, this time, he was not blocking but parrying. A parry was more challenging to pull off than a block. Gravis had to redirect parts of the enemy's strength to change the course of the attack.

he managed the parry pretty easily, and the sword missed him, hitting the ground. Gravis' saber, which was raised slightly due to the parry, immediately shot forward in a

didn't grow panicked and simply slapped the saber to the side with a hand. Jeros' arms moved very quickly, and even though they

the side sharply. Just in time, Jeros' other arm swung the sword diagonally upwards. Even though Gravis' body was already angled very strongly, the sword would


sword, changing its trajectory slightly. While it continued swinging, Gravis crouched under the sword,

time, Jeros


the same block again, so he angled the saber in the last moment. Jeros had slapped the saber's sharp edge, and even

at his bleeding

pull the same moves twice," Jeros heard

had seen how the fight went down, so they quickly figured out why. Gravis was moving like he already knew what his opponent would do.

fully now! The way you move is very strange, yet it's incredibly effective. With my experience, I can tell that

of battles. His fighting experience was extensive. Yet, a young boy, around 16 years old, had more fighting experience than him? How was that

so many things from two simple exchanges. Gravis knew that Jeros probably had a lot of fighting experience. A lot of fighting

learned martial arts

asked me how I would train, I wouldn't even be sure how to answer you. I never trained anything regarding my weapon specifically. I only fight." Gravis narrated. He had just noticed how weird

say it, it also feels more like I am fighting a beast. This is interesting! Want to continue?"

opponent who didn't want to kill him and had enough fighting experience

seriously injured. Now, I'm going to use my full power," Jeros shouted and then shot forward.

Gravis' extensive fighting experience, he would have been hacked in two. Instead of falling back, Gravis ran into the swing. He blocked it with his saber and jumped a little. The swing of the sword pushed the saber along, as well as Gravis. Gravis just flew along

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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