The whole Martial Hall fell silent as everyone got startled and looked at the angry young man, who had just shouted. Gravis was just as startled as everyone else. What was wrong with what he had said?

"Who do you think you are? Are you trying to blaspheme our ancestor's teachings?" the man shouted, his head already reddening by all the anger he felt.

"Silence!" an old, yet imposing man walked in. He wore rough brown robes, and his muscles showed through the opened front. He had a long mustache, which extended beyond his face and fell down to his chest.

"This is not a place where you can lose your control!" The man roared loudly with anger in his voice and pointed at the young man. "You still require more training! Go to the Tranquility Pools and stay there until I call you!"

"But master-"

"Silence!" another imposing shout shook the Martial Hall. "Go!" the old man ordered again.

The young man wanted to protest, but clenched his fist and walked away. He, obviously, was very unwilling.

"I apologize for this interruption, everyone," the old man continued, now with a friendlier voice. "You can all go back to business," the man said friendly, while he bent down to remove the young man's pillow, which he replaced with his own. Then he comfortably kneeled on his cushion and looked at Gravis with a neutral look. "Now, what did you say that made him so mad?" he asked.

Gravis quickly shook his head to get his bearings. "I told him that I am not knowledgeable about how you do business around here. Then I asked for different kinds of Martial Arts to supplement my fighting style. Did I say something wrong?" Gravis asked, concerned.

finished narrating, he understood why the previous man got angry. He looked into Gravis' eyes and then sighed. "What you

shocked. Was the young man actually justified in getting angry? "I'm sorry. That

Arts. This, by itself, is not bad. Yet, with your second sentence, you have said that you want to use Martial Arts as a supplement for your fighting style. By saying this, you have proclaimed that all our Martial Arts, which were created by our ancestors, were below your self-taught fighting

fighting style. He might have accidentally let his prejudice show itself. "I'm sorry. I did

off. "Actually, I would also feel a little insulted if someone else said those things.

eyes. "Why is it different

happened. He told me about the fight you had with him and also told me

"Are you speaking about Jeros?" he

talking about your fight with him and how you seemed to have your very own fighting style created by only fighting for your life. He also said that your fighting style was very effective and something he had not seen before. Of course,

believe that he had not shown his true strength, even though he said that he had gone all out," Gravis scratched his chin in thought. "How should I put it? There was a certain absence of pressure I felt while fighting him, even though he was the strongest human I ever

describing is the intent to kill, and also, the readiness to be killed,"

intent to kill, but we have lived for too long. We are no longer willing to risk our lives because our lives have grown too important to us. So, I am sad to inform

that he would never let that happen to

old man smiled again. "How about we spar a little? With that, I can judge your fighting style and might find a suitable Martial Art for you. If you win, I will

possible to not dampen his killing intent, this spar was against

up and limbered up his legs. He was really not used to kneeling like this. 'What's

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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