Gravis jumped left and right to evade all the fireballs and fire beams. His lightning resistance would be useless in this fight, and if he got hit by any attack from someone in the fourth level of the Energy Gathering Realm, he would receive a grave injury. This fight would be incredibly difficult under normal circumstances.

Gravis smirked. 'But this is not a normal circumstance,' he thought to himself. Gravis quickly went over the edge on the branch. The disciple of the fire guild grew shocked. Had Gravis jumped? Was he suicidal?


A disciple exploded into ash as a lightning bolt hit him, which came from the branch's underside. They quickly looked over the edge, but they couldn't see Gravis anywhere. Where was he?

"You idiots!" shouted Flern in anger. "He can stick to the underside of the branch with his lightning!" Flern had grown angry when he had seen the confused faces of his disciple brothers. They didn't have much experience in fighting the Lightning Guild, so they also didn't know that lightning could keep someone stuck to the underside of the branch.


Another disciple on the edge of the branch exploded due to lightning. Gravis' lightning might not work as he had expected against the lightning disciples, but it worked just fine against the fire disciples. Even if it didn't work as intended, they still couldn't survive a half-assed blast from Gravis. Just like Gravis had no fire resistance, the fire disciples had no lightning resistance.

They now knew where Gravis was, but could they do something against him? They tried to find a solution but couldn't since they couldn't stick to the branch's underside. The best they could do is use their fire wheels to climb a wall, and even that used up a lot of Energy. What were they supposed to do?


fire, but that helped only so much. Fire was the weakest element regarding defense. They could theoretically throw their fire at

for ten meters to hit them. On top of

his Energy and anticipate what he would do, but they couldn't even see him. They couldn't


"Cowards of the Lightning Guild!" shouted Flern in rage. "Go below and chase him to

last remaining fifth level disciple of the Lightning Guild. The fifth level disciple took the

of that disciple flew away in an arc. They could see the head when it flew above the branch's height, and they couldn't believe their eyes. Their senior brother hadn't even left their sight for over a second. How was he

was unveiling his trump card. The two sixth level disciples fighting the bird and the tree were gaining the upper hand, and Gravis didn't

kill another two of them. The others turned around to run, but one got hit by Gravis' lightning and seized. Gravis quickly finished that one too. Gravis saw the last two disciples fleeing in front of him and ran after them. Gravis turned to his right and

top of the branch again, and the fire disciples could finally attack. Only a couple of meters were between Gravis and the two disciples he was chasing. The fire disciples used perfect timing to hit the spot where the lightning


perfectly, including the lighting disciple's speed. The fire disciples always shot their fireballs at the lightning disciples'

had stopped suddenly, and the thrown fireballs had exploded them into many small pieces. What about Gravis? When he froze them with his Will-Aura, he immediately turned around and fled

knew all their first names and what they all liked and hated. In order to not let Gravis escape, she had taken the entire

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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