Gravis charged upwards, right to the battlefield of Escura, the bird and the tree. His Energy reserves were at only about 20%. He could not use much more in a fight since he still had to keep up his lightning movement. It was better if he ended the fight very quickly.

Escura initially had trouble fighting the bird and the tree at the same time, but the tree was slowly losing strength. Its attacks were not as vigorous as in the beginning anymore. The fire, on the other hand, was getting wilder and wilder. Gravis was nearly exclusively charging through fire by now, on his way to the battlefield.

The bird and Escura were also starting to feel the heat, and their battleground was moving upward, away from the fire. Gravis finally arrived after several seconds of charging. The bird noticed Gravis and immediately used its wind so that Escura would lose her balance just when he arrived.


Gravis saw his chance and buried his saber deep into Escura's torso. The bird's timing was just too perfect, and with Escura only having so much concentration to spare due to the bird and the tree, she couldn't defend properly. At least, she was able to stop the saber from completely bisecting her by using a lot of her lightning.

"Finally, you're here!" she shouted with hatred, seemingly not noticing the saber in her torso. She immediately used her lightning to force the bird away and then took out a jade token. Without hesitation, she broke the token, and a Formation Array was created around their battlefield with a diameter of ten meters.

Gravis' eyes narrowed. He had used a similar Formation Array against the centipede, and he knew that this Formation Array could keep things out or keep them in. Gravis could also judge that he could probably not break it. Escura wouldn't be so stupid as to use a Formation Array that would break under his attacks.

"You bastard!" Escura shouted in rage. "I wanted to use this Formation for a while, but you never got close enough!" Escura lifted her spear and pointed it at Gravis. "Now, you can't escape anymore."

Gravis lifted his eyebrows in confusion. "Why didn't you use this earlier?" he asked calmly. He was in an incredibly dangerous position right now, but he was used to life and death struggles. This was nothing different.

It was not worth it to use on you since it is incredibly expensive and the only one we have." Escura's eyes shined in hatred. "But I should have used it.

you honestly think I wanted to fight you? I told you

hard that blood flew out. "Shut up!" she shouted as she charged at Gravis. Escura couldn't admit her mistake. If she had known how all this would end, she would have either retreated or used the Formation Array from the start.

her guild. Both people were regretting something they had done. It didn't matter who came

He wanted to repay the Lightning Guild for their help and for Gorn's death, but he couldn't offer his life to them. Kill the Lightning Guild's disciples or die. Both choices were full of regret for Gravis. Ever

couldn't break it. The tree had stopped attacking and was concentrating on stopping the fire, which was slowly

and Gravis used his last remaining Energy to block the lightning bolts. They weren't

there was a stark difference between the two. Escura's strength stemmed entirely from her Energy, but Gravis still had his physical power. In sheer combat power, Gravis' physical body rivaled someone at the fourth level of Energy Gathering, and it was not so easily

was blown off, and a big hole was burned into his intestine. His lightning resistance would make the lightning attacks from someone at the fourth level of Energy Gathering, which was one level higher than himself, useless. Someone at the fifth level could injure him lightly with their lightning, yet Escura was on the sixth

continually think about which body part he could sacrifice to continue fighting. Escura kept getting more and more shocked as Gravis' fighting

trouble breathing already, but she couldn't see any of that. This confused her immensely and increased her desperation. She had hit multiple parts of his limbs with her lightning, and a lot of flesh had

the Lightning Tower. He let the Destruction Energy destroy the non-essential parts, while he manipulated the Life Energy to gather at his chest and liver. Due to all the injuries, his fighting strength

burn to a crisp. She hadn't been this exhausted in forever. Gravis was also breathing heavily and sweating, but it didn't seem as

This time, he was only thrown away for a little bit since her attacks were starting to be less and less effective. She had to end this quickly. Suddenly, her eyes widened

quickly looked at the rest of her body and noticed that everything had burns, and they grew more severe. She quickly realized that the immense heat she was feeling was

flames, with its wind, directly below them. A majestic bonfire was cooking the underside

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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