For the last remaining hours in the Formation Array, Gravis decided to check his Will-Aura. He was happy when he saw that it had increased again. Another life and death crisis was over, and he had gotten the reward. Gravis also noticed that he was able to compress his Will-Aura into a small circle now, which he could place wherever he wanted.

The circle would have a radius of five meters, and that increased the power of his Will-Aura even further. Based on what Gravis had seen previously, he expected that his Will-Aura, when fully concentrated, could make someone at the third level unconscious.

Someone at the fourth level probably couldn't move anymore inside of it. Of course, all of this was only true if the receiver had an average will. There were people with stronger and weaker wills, and Gravis couldn't be sure about how everyone reacted. He could only calculate according to the general standard.

The strength of a Will-Aura didn't increase with the cultivation level of a person, but a higher cultivation level for the user would decrease the enemy's resistance. Its inherent strength stayed the same, but if Gravis, theoretically, were at the ninth stage of Energy Gathering, he would be able to make someone at the ninth stage of Energy Gathering unconscious.

People at the same level as Gravis had some resistance to Will-Auras, while people lower than him in cultivation had no resistance. The resistance doubled for every increase in the level of Gravis' opponent. Right now, it was strong enough to make someone at the same level unconscious. This was already very terrifying since that showed that no one was his match at the same level.

Of course, there could be others who went through many life and death fights, and they would also have their own Will-Aura. That would reduce Gravis' Will-Aura's effectiveness. Gravis pondered about other usages of his Will-Aura, and he got some ideas. Such a Will-Aura was not only useful for fighting.


The Formation Array burst like a bubble, and Gravis started falling. Long expecting this outcome, Gravis simply threw his saber at the nearby tree. Initially, the Formation Array was touching the tree, but a lot of wood had burned off. Luckily, it was only ten-meters, and Gravis could still pull himself to the tree.

Gravis arrived at the tree and looked around. The smaller bird had noticed him and screeched. It then landed on the branch, which led to its nest and cawed at Gravis some more. 'Does it want me to come?' he thought and decided that he might as well go. If the parent wanted to hurt him, it would have already attacked.

Gravis used his lightning movement to move up the tree, to the branch. When he arrived, he saw the bird, and it walked closer. Gravis wasn't sure what it wanted, and he shot a look at the parent bird, which was still at the top of the tree. It looked like it didn't care about Gravis, but he noticed that it shot him a couple of glances from time to time.

Gravis walked closer, and the smaller bird lightly tapped Gravis' face with its beak. Gravis lifted his hand and touched its beak, scratching it. The bird didn't seem to mind and let him scratch. It then went closer with its head and rubbed it on Gravis' side. That was a little weird for him because its head was bigger than Gravis' whole torso.

the bird seemed to like since it released some soft caws. Gravis decided to continue scratching


shot away. It circled a little on the tree and then hovered in mid-air while looking at Gravis. Then, it started

though he knew that it couldn't understand him. The bird just cawed again and released a wind-wave at Gravis. The wind-wave was not really strong, but it could be considered

about that and looked at the parent bird. It just looked at him and gestured nonchalantly with its head to its child. Apparently, the parent was okay with it. Gravis looked back at the smaller one and guessed that a small spar couldn't hurt. They had fought together, and if he could repay it by sparring with

powerful than it, he should still act realistically and be a good opponent for the bird.

excitedly and charged at Gravis.

weaker disciples of the Lightning Guild, who had been left behind in the town. They were just staying there so that no one would steal their stuff

from now to a couple of days," the other answered. "That guy is probably

with confusion but then noticed that the first guy couldn't completely hide his smile. The second one just looked at him with a

A guy who had just broken into the


narrowed their eyes and readied their weapons, but when they saw who it was, they sighed. "Man, don't surprise us like

fourth level of Energy Gathering and was part of the hit-squad that had been sent to deal

guys looked at him in shock and then broke out in laughter. "Senior brother is way better at this than you!" the second guy

can't compare to


first guy with his full power, and the poor man shot away and hit the wall. The second guy looked in shock at the new

fucking joking!" shouted the new arrival directly and with a big serving of aggression. "I

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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