Gravis and Skye flew for multiple days. Even though Skye flew very fast, even creating a sonic boom at the start of their flight, the Middle-Continent was just too big. The Core-Continent was a circle, while the Middle-Continent encompassed the Core-Continent in a bigger circle. The Outer-Continent did the same with the Middle-Continent.

Gravis and Skye were currently south of the Core-Continent, and they were flying to the south-east of the Middle-Continent. Every major guild had one of their headquarters in the north, east, south, and west of the Middle-Continent, while the Heaven Sect only had two. One was in the south-east of the Middle-Continent, while the other was in the north-west.

In comparison to the whole lower world, this distance was not significant, but for Gravis and Skye, it was still a distance of over 100,000 kilometers. Without Skye, Gravis would have taken over two weeks to get there. Yet, with the help of Skye, they only would've needed three days, if they hadn't taken a break for a full day.

After four days of traveling, they finally closed in on the Heaven Sect. "Skye, this can get really dangerous," Gravis cautioned. "I doubt that they already know about the death of their hit-squad, but they will maybe still have some people in the ninth level of Energy Gathering."

Skye released a quiet affirmative caw. Gravis had been talking a lot with Skye in the last couple of days, and it started to understand more words that Gravis spoke. Gravis especially taught it about the power system of humans in their one-day break.

He had shot a weak lightning bolt with the power of someone on the first level of Energy Gathering at Skye and told it: "First Level of Energy Gathering." Skye was confused initially, but then Gravis shot a stronger one and said that it was from the second level. He did that until the fourth level, where Skye started feeling some pain from the lightning bolts.

After that, Gravis used nearly all his power to produce one lightning bolt on the fifth level, which he shot at a tree, which was pulverized very quickly. Then, Gravis started saying one level after another until it reached the ninth level. Skye didn't get it at first, but it finally understood when Gravis managed to get it to remember the numbers from one to ten.

Gravis used his lightning again to demonstrate the power system of humans. Remembering how the numbers sounded, Skye started to get the concept. It then started demonstrating the whole thing with its wind and then

give Skye more context in regards to the levels. Gravis made Skye remember Escura and pointed at the six. Then he made Skye remember Silvio and pointed

it could take on one person on the seventh level, but it would be difficult. It also saw the two stronger levels and understood that those

Gravis then also drew a small bird and a big bird. Skye

parent. He painted a number of figures opposite of the bird paintings with the corresponding level beneath them. After that, he would violently

showed that Skye's parent could kill one person on the ninth level. When he had drawn two on that level, Gravis demonstrated his uncertainty and didn't cross

crossed out the big bird. Skye screeched angrily, but Gravis managed to calm it down. Gravis continued doing examples, and Skye was never happy when

understanding the power of someone on the ninth level of Energy Gathering, when Gravis showed that if Gravis and Skye fought together against one, they would die. Skye understood then how powerful someone at the ninth level of

was bigger than all other drawings. He wrote "Spirit Forming" beneath the person and repeated the word multiple times. It was imperative that Skye understood this word. Skye

the big person again, on the opposing side of the entire meter-long spreadsheet of fights and examples. Gravis pointed at the person, and then at everything


spreadsheet that destroyed everything but that one drawing of the person in the Spirit Forming Realm. Skye shivered, and its eyes widened. It had never come in contact with

a genuine danger to its life. Gravis had invested hours into his teaching of Skye because Skye needed to know which fight it could win, and which fight was assured death. Beasts attacked any human they

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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